Most Popular of the Week - February 8, 2017

Carl Bernstein: Republican Officials Are Openly Questioning President Trump's Stability and Maturity

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Trump's "psyche is not a pretty place," Bernstein told CNN.  READ MORE»

An Open Letter to Jared Kushner, from Your NYU Law School Classmates

By Rebecca Davidson Zipp, Salon

Tens of thousands of Syrian children rely on your sense of compassion. READ MORE»

Matt Lauer Pins Down Squirming Kellyanne Conway on How Trump's Billion Dollar Border Wall Will Be Financed

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"I've got time," Lauer told Conway. "Explain the 'complicated form' to me." READ MORE»

Corporate America Is Inching Even Closer to a Constitutional Convention

By Simon Davis-Cohen, In These Times

In statehouses across the country, ALEC-backed legislators are pushing for a balanced-budget amendment, a repeal of the federal income tax and more. READ MORE»

Bannon Takes Control

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

While Trump lies, the former Breitbart chief seizes the reins of power. READ MORE»

Noam Chomsky: Explaining the 'Collapse' That Gave Us Donald Trump

By Noam Chomsky, Kenneth Palmer, Richard Yarrow,

Noam Chomsky interviewed by Kenneth Palmer and Richard Yarrow. READ MORE»

She Lied: Emmett Till's Accuser Admits She Made Up Story

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

A new book says the sensational testimony that allowed Till's killers to walk free was fabricated. READ MORE»

Trump's Right-Hand Man Steve Bannon Called for Christian Holy War: Now He's on the National Security Council

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

"We're at the very beginning stages of a very brutal and bloody conflict," President Trump's chief strategist told a Christian conference in 2014. READ MORE»

10 of the Worst Terror Attacks by Extreme Christians and Far-Right White Men

By Alex Henderson, AlterNet

Most of the terrorist activity in the U.S. in recent years has come not from Muslims, but from radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups. READ MORE»

Another Trump Lie: 'I’m Smart'

By Peter Dreier, AlterNet

It isn’t clear if he’s trying to convince his interviewer or himself. READ MORE»

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