Most Popular of the Week - April 19, 2017

Fear Grows as Armed Trump Supporters Escalate Threats Against Progressives

By Rick Perlstein, The Washington Spectator

"There are a bunch of people on the Internet who are waiting for someone to tell them it’s okay to start shooting at you." READ MORE»

Trump Flip Flops Once Again, Now Allowing Hedge Funds Their $180 Billion Tax Dodge

By Robert Greenwald, Charles Khan, Brave New Films

This is one of the biggest of Trump's voluminous campaign lies. READ MORE»

Trump Has Deep Links to Organized Crime: Federal Investigators Know It and the Public Is Catching Up

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

As Trump built his empire, he attracted a criminal element whose ties still bind.  READ MORE»

Stop Swooning Over Canada's Justin Trudeau—The Man Is a Disaster for the Planet

By Bill McKibben, The Guardian

Donald Trump is a creep and unpleasant to look at, but at least he’s not a stunning hypocrite when it comes to climate change. READ MORE»

Bernie Sanders Has Some Good News for Democrats All over the Country

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The Vermont senator believes the political tides are turning in a big way. READ MORE»

Is This the End of Bill O'Reilly? Let's Hope So: 18 Reminders That He's a Terrible Person

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Let's get in the way-back machine! READ MORE»

Chomsky: Why the Resistance Against Trump Will Continue to Build

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"The institutions look powerful but they collapse as soon as the population becomes engaged." READ MORE»

Trump's Missile Attack on Syria Justified With Fake Intelligence, Experts Say

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Echoes of George W. Bush's disastrous invasion of Iraq. READ MORE»

How Jeff Sessions Is Laying the Groundwork for an Authoritarian State

By Adele M. Stan, The American Prospect

The attorney general is courting law enforcement by reducing accountability and renewing a war on people of color. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: Trump Is Fleecing America, and the Justice Department Is Letting Him Get Away with It

By Robert Reich,

The people need protection. Trump can afford his own lawyer.  READ MORE»

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