Most Popular of the Week - May 3, 2017

Are American Voters Actually Just Stupid? A New Poll Suggests the Answer May Be Yes

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

ABC News poll suggests that if we ran the election all over again, Trump would still win—by more. What gives? READ MORE»

'He Just Seemed to Go Crazy': Senior GOP Aides Stunned by Trump's Demented Behavior in Last 24 Hours

By David Edwards, Raw Story

Even those in the president's inner circle admit they are worried about his mental state. READ MORE»

White Florida Principal at Majority Black School Told Staff to Put White Students in Same Class

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Principal Christine Hoffman is being transferred to a new school.  READ MORE»

Noam Chomsky: The Republican Party Is the 'Most Dangerous Organization in World History'

By Noam Chomsky, Peter Hutchison, Kelly Nyks, Jared P. Scott, Seven Stories Press

Outlandish? Well, no. "The party is dedicated to racing as rapidly as possible to destruction of organized human life. There is no historical precedent for such a stand." READ MORE»

Paul Krugman: Trump Is a Monster Straight Out of 'The Twilight Zone'

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The New York Times columnist compares the president to one of Rod Serling's most memorable characters. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: Trump's Latest Tweetstorm Is Grounds for Impeachment

By Robert Reich,

An assault on the federal judiciary is an abuse of the president's constitutional authority. READ MORE»

10 Signs Trump's Top Homeland Security Cop Wants to Drag America Into a Paranoid Apocalyptic Police State

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly tells critics to change the law or "shut up." READ MORE»

Michelle Alexander: White Men Get Rich from Legal Pot, Black Men Stay in Prison

By April M. Short, AlterNet

For 40 years, poor communities of color have experienced the wrath of the war on drugs. READ MORE»

Leading Historian Believes 'It's Pretty Much Inevitable' Trump Will Try to Stage a Coup and Overthrow Democracy

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

"On Tyranny" author Timothy Snyder says we have less than a year to save our democracy. READ MORE»

It's Official: How the Koch Brothers Killed Trump’s Job Plan

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

The president’s new tax bill jettisons his old proposals to boost domestic production.  READ MORE»

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