Most Popular of the Week - September 7, 2017

Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society

By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet

We have to be vigilant about the coming smear project against Antifa. READ MORE»

Chances of Trump Impeachment at High Point

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Calling the president’s bluff, special prosecutor Mueller focuses on the family business. READ MORE»

Eric Trump Suggests Harsh Criticism Could Make Donald Trump Suicidal

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

He thinks the whole government is against the president. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: College Is a Waste for Millions of Kids -- There's a Better Way

By Robert Reich,

A 4-year degree should not be the only gateway to the American middle class.  READ MORE»

‘It’s the Gospel of Ayn Rand’: Son of Evangelist Eviscerates Joel Osteen’s ‘Prosperity Gospel’ Greed

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Osteen came under harsh national criticism for locking up his Houston-area church rather than help victims of Harvey.  READ MORE»

Enough With the Top 1 Percent: The Top 20 Percent, the Upper Middle Class, Is Hoarding the American Dream

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Scholar Richard Reeves points out the real winners in the economy as Congress eyes tax reform. READ MORE»

8 Reasons Jared and Ivanka Are as Useless and Detestable as Anyone in Trump's White House

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The pair reportedly hates Washington, D.C., and the feeling is mutual.  READ MORE»

Are Trump's Generals on the Verge of Committing the Biggest Blunder of His Presidency?

By David Klion, AlterNet

James Mattis is considering arming Ukraine—a strategy that's sure to backfire. READ MORE»

Charles Blow: Trump Is Building an Army for a Second Civil War

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

The president may be preparing his supporters to revolt in the event that he's impeached. READ MORE»

Trump Reportedly Feels Betrayed by Cabinet, and His Mood Is the 'Worst It's Ever Been'

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

A confidant says the president feels "this is not what he signed up for." READ MORE»

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