Most Popular of the Week - September 27, 2017

How ISIS Wives Helped Their Husbands Rape Yazidi Sex Slaves

By Rania Khalek, AlterNet

“He told me you are a Yazidi, either we will kill you or you will convert to Islam. I said, please kill me, don’t rape me, I love my husband. He said it’s not your decision."  READ MORE»

The Trump Nightmare: How It Ends

By Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect

A scenario that becomes more likely by the day. READ MORE»

Ivanka Trump's Latest Admission Proves She's Just as Shameless as Her Father

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

A new interview with Dr. Oz reveals the rotten apple has not fallen far from the tree. READ MORE»

Ken Burns' New Vietnam War Series Teaches a Flawed, Misleading Lesson

By Jerry Lembcke, Public Books

The new film distorts what scholars, veterans and antiwar activists alike know about the war and its aftermath. READ MORE»

What Happened When I Tried to Have a Civilized Conversation with Fox News Fans

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

A Trump critic's revealing appearance on Tucker Carlson. READ MORE»

Hillary Clinton Was Dead Right About White Women—and Their Husbands

By Lucia Graves, The Guardian

New research sheds disturbing light on the voting habits of the American public. READ MORE»

Education Can't Solve Poverty—So Why Do We Keep Insisting That It Can?

By Jennifer Berkshire, AlterNet

Wages are down and unions are weaker than ever, but still the myth that education can fix poverty persists.  READ MORE»

Senate Republicans Aren't Just Aiming to Destroy Obamacare and Medicaid; They Want to Provide a Death Blow to Any Future Health Care Reform

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Senator Lindsey Graham says, "Hell no to Berniecare" as his bill takes aim. READ MORE»

Anderson Cooper Roasts Trump for Repeatedly Mentioning Nonexistent Country at U.N.

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

You've never heard of "Nambia"? READ MORE»

Paul Krugman: The GOP Is Really This Diseased

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The newest Trumpcare bill tells you everything you need to know about the Republican Party. READ MORE»

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