Most Popular of the Week - March 21, 2018

Scientists Have Established a Link Between Brain Damage and Religious Fundamentalism

By Bobby Azarian, Raw Story

This explains a lot about our current political situation. READ MORE»

John Kelly Reportedly Screamed at the Television Within Earshot of Trump Over Tillerson News Coverage


The chief of staff was not enjoying his job on Tuesday. READ MORE»

This Is How Trump Won Mindless Loyalty From Millions of Americans

By Jeremy Sherman, AlterNet

The simple, surefire formula for sycophants.  READ MORE»

GOP Strategist Stuns MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle with a Horrifying Prediction

By David Edwards, Raw Story

Rick Tyler expects Trump to order Mueller fired "sooner than later," but that's not all. READ MORE»

Hillary Clinton Was Right About the States That Voted for Trump

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Does it really help Democrats to pretend otherwise?  READ MORE»

House Republicans Are Realizing Premature End to Russia Probe Made Them Look Ridiculous: Report

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

By contradicting the CIA and FBI, the House Intelligence Committee damaged its credibility.  READ MORE»

Science Still Can't Explain This Biological Mystery, But Scientists Like to Pretend Otherwise

By Jeremy Sherman, AlterNet

We still have no scientific explanation for organisms. READ MORE»

Even Republicans Are Horrified by This Kentucky Governor's Attack on Protesting Teachers

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

One prominent GOP official calls Matt Bevin's remarks "indefensible." READ MORE»

Inside the Trump Circus of Corruption

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Ben Carson’s furniture! Ryan Zinke’s “cone of silence”! Ivanka’s double-dealing! And that’s only the beginning. READ MORE»

RIP Jared Kushner: A Political Obituary for the President’s Son-in-Law

By Nomi Prins, TomDispatch

Trump is on a firing spree, and his son-in-law is not necessarily immune. READ MORE»

Neanderthals Knew Something About Health Care That America Has Forgotten

By Nicole Karlis, Salon

A new study suggests that caring, organized healthcare is not unique to our species. READ MORE»

Paul Krugman: Republicans' Poisonous Policies Are Finally Catching Up with Them

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The Times columnist assesses Conor Lamb's triumph in the heart of Trump country. READ MORE»

Sen. Sanders, Sen. Warren and Michael Moore Invite Entire Nation to a Live Town Hall Meeting on Wealth and Income Inequality

By April M. Short, AlterNet

It's a national meeting on the decline of the middle class and rise of oligarchy.  READ MORE»

9 Warning Signs That You Should Avoid a Restaurant

By Melissa Kravitz, AlterNet

Look for these red flags before placing your order. READ MORE»

Steve Bannon’s Surprising Opinion About Cambridge Analytica

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The Cambridge Analytica scandal revelations keep surprising us. READ MORE»

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