March 5, 2024
Dear Valued Reader,

Lots of reader questions over the weekend about the latest Motley Fool promo, which is touting the smaller growth stocks who they think will be the next "Magnificent 7" -- so we've got ten stocks to talk about (they also teased second-place picks for several), in the areas of big data, new energy, cybersecurity, fintech, AI, gene editing and augmented reality... buckle in, it's quite a ride!  Just click below to...

2024 can be your most profitable year as an investor . . .

If you know where the breakthrough opportunities are and if you get in on them soon enough.

AI is still the catalyst. But forget about chip stocks like Nvidia. That frenzy has cooled.

The next wave of AI domination is emerging now — and you may be shocked by where the most explosive gains will come from.

Our 2024 Profit Predictions Report reveals 4 exciting tickers you need to see right away. These stocks could spike at any moment, so don’t delay.  Download the report now free.


We started last week with a look at Dan Ferris' "Linchpin" Investment, a way to profit from what Dan says is the "Green Scare."

And we're contractually obligated to cover at least one Artificial Intelligence teaser a week... thsi time it was the Motley Fool pushing their "AI Phase 2" stock, a hardware supplier (no, not NVIDIA).

Then we took a look at Dr. David Eifrig's teased "America's #1 Retirement Stock", along with a few bonus ideas.

Doc Gumshoe popped in with an update on migraines... what are those awful headaches, and how are people dealing with them?

And I got March started with our Friday File for the Irregulars... this week I’ve got some thoughts on the Berkshire quarter and valuation, a new "mystery" insurance stock reveal, and some quarterly updates from our portfolio... plus one trade in the energy space.  Just click below for the details...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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