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Researchers Grow Mouse Embryos in Space for the First Time

Drugs to treat common infections in children and babies are no longer effective in large parts of the world, due to high rates of antibiotic resistance.

Scientists tested the CR box among these chambers and found that it removed 97% of infectious aerosols in 30 minutes and 99.4% within 60 minutes.

An advanced closed-loop anesthesia delivery system that monitors brain state to tailor propofol dose and achieve exactly the desired level of unconsciousness could reduce post-op side effects.

Researchers constructed modular nanoparticles with biodegradable polymer cores coated with genetically modified cell membranes.

Researchers recently developed a lateral flow biosensor—the same kind of paper-based biosensor used in at-home rapids tests for COVID-19—capable of detecting nucleic acids present in chlamydia or gonorrhea.

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