In this issue, November 5, 2019 View it in your browser.

Moving to Microservices, ROS, Infrastructure as Code, Go Crypto, Java Local Variable Type Inference, Microsoft Concludes .NET Framework API Porting Project, Angular & ASP.NET Core 3.0, ELM, GRIT

Be part of a powerful global developer community driving innovation. Join this community at QCon London 2020.

Share experiences and common challenges with peers and speakers in 2020 at QCon London, the conference for professional software developers. Create valuable connections at a conference where attendee to speaker ratio is 11 to 1. Find out more about the conference.



Last Chance to Register for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2019 (Nov 18-21)

The premier Kubernetes conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in San Diego. Delve into Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, CoreDNS, and much more. Register Now.

Michelle Krejci on Moving to Microservices: Visualising Technical Debt, Kubernetes, and GraphQL

In this podcast, Daniel Bryant spoke to Michelle Krejci, service engineer lead at Pantheon, about the Drupal and Wordpress webops-based company’s move to a microservices architecture. (Podcast)

Lynne Cazaly on Embracing “ish” and the Dangers of Perfectionism

In this podcast, recorded at the Agile on the Beach New Zealand conference, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Lynne Cazaly about the dangers of perfectionism and using visual tools to make sense of information and ideas. (Podcast)

What is the primary language that you work with professionally?

Over 40% of InfoQ readers that have responded to this year’s reader survey stated that Java is the primary language they work with professionally. 28% mentioned C# and 37% Javascript as key languages. What about you? Share your feedback and we’ll share stats in an upcoming article.

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. High-Performance Data Processing with Spring Cloud Data Flow and Geode

  2. Microsoft and University of Maryland Researchers Announce FreeLB Adversarial Training System

  3. Facebook AI Releases New Computer Vision Library Detectron2

PyTorch and TensorFlow: Which ML Framework is More Popular in Academia and Industry

An article that was recently published on the gradient is examining the current state of Machine Learning frameworks in 2019. The article is utilizing some metrics to argue the point that PyTorch is quickly becoming the dominant framework for research, whereas TensorFlow is the dominant framework for applications in the industry. In this article we will dive into their differences. (News)



Capturing the Business Value of Compliant Database DevOps

This whitepaper outlines how DevOps practices can be extended to the IT team, and the cultural shift required to capture the business value of Compliant Database DevOps.
Download Now.


  1. Open Source CloudEvents Specification Reaches Version 1.0 Milestone

  2. Microsoft Releases Azure API for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) as GA

  3. Cockroach Labs Announces CockroachCloud, a Fully-Managed Distributed SQL Database in Beta

  4. Mark Schwartz on DevOps, Bureaucracy and His Upcoming Book at 2019 DevOps Enterprise Summit (DOES)

  5. Elastic Releases New Security Suite Integrating SIEM with Endpoint Protection

DevOps and Cloud as Catalysts for Business Success

The 2019 Accelerate State of DevOps presents the capabilities and practices that contribute to software development and organizational performance. This year, DevOps has crossed the chiasm, while a well implemented cloud computing strategy helps deliver superior results contributing to speed, stability, and availability. (Article)

Securing a Multi-Tenant Kubernetes Cluster

Kirsten Newcomer identifies the most common layers in a typical container deployment, and discusses technologies and deployment patterns that can be used to ensure strong multi-tenancy at each layer. She also touches on best practices for managing container content, and registries, the build process, and the deployment process in a multi-tenant cluster. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, Nov 11-13, 2019. Join us!

Multi-Language Infrastructure as Code

Joe Duffy shows how a multi-language approach to infrastructure as code, using general purpose programming languages, lets cloud engineers program AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes infrastructure, unlocking the same software engineering techniques commonly used for applications: abstractions and reuse, expressive control structures, package managers, testing, and IDEs, to name a few. (Presentation with transcript included)



Why are My Microservices Slow?

Discover the common challenges found when operating distributed cloud-native environments and how to approach them:

  • Performance and reliability
  • Tracing and call analysis
  • Bottlenecks and errors
Learn More.


  1. OpsRamp Releases Improved Alert Correlation and Better Insights into Event Management Models

  2. The Robot Operating System (ROS) Can Make Hospitals Smarter

  3. Alternatives to RViz for Visualising Robotics Data Presented: Summary from ROSCon 2019

  4. iRobot’s Experience in Running ROS2 on Linux-Based Embedded Platforms

  5. Migrating Two Large Robotics ROS1 Codebases to ROS2

Maintaining the Go Crypto Libraries

Filippo Valsorda talks about the challenges in maintaining and keeping the cryptographic libraries written in Go secure, safe, useful and modern. In particular, Valsorda discusses how security, scope and maintainer resources are on a balance, and what tools we can deploy to tip the scale. (Presentation with transcript included)



What are the Most Secure Programming Languages?

This research report focuses on open source security vulnerabilities in C, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, and C++, to find out which programming languages are most secure, which vulnerability types are most common in each language, and why. Download Now.


  1. NetBeans Celebrates 20 Years of Guidance

Java Feature Spotlight: Local Variable Type Inference

In Java Futures at QCon New York, Java Language Architect Brian Goetz took us on a whirlwind tour of some recent and future features in the Java Language. In this article, he dives into Local Variable Type Inference. (Article)



Application Release & Deployment for Dummies

This eBook explores what drives effective release and deployment, reveals the four pillars of gold-standard deployment, and dispels ten common myths about the release and deployment process, while providing best practices. Download now.


  1. Microsoft Concludes the .NET Framework API Porting Project

Angular & ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Deep Dive

While there are many advantages to using Angular for building SPAs, some parts including trivial, static content such as Contact As, Licensing, etc. don’t need the extra complexity. In this article Evgueni Tsygankov shows how to build reusable Angular components that can be hosted in ASP.NET Core pages, allowing you to choose the right tool for each page. (Article)



DevOps for Dummies

The 3rd edition of this eBook helps you understand the real business benefits of DevOps, takes you through the ten biggest myths, and describes how to use DevOps to solve new challenges. It also explores IBM’s own successful transition to DevOps. Download now.


  1. Writing Tests for CSS Is Possible! Gil Tayar at ReactiveConf 2019

  2. Facebook Releases Relay 7 for Building Data-Driven React Apps with GraphQL

  3. When Deferring Decisions Leads to Better Codebases: Boris Litvinsky at ReactiveConf 2019

  4. TypeScript, Seeing Past the Hype - Matthew Gerstman at ReactiveConf 2019

Largest Transport Provider in Norway Rewrites Its Website with 83,000 Lines of Elm, the largest transport provider in Norway, rewrote its website in the compile-to-JavaScript Elm language. Robin Heggelund Hansen and Kjetil Valle presented in a recent article the three-year journey by which Vy gradually switched to Elm for the non-static parts of its website. (News)



Become a Kubernetes master - Download the cheat sheet

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts. Learn how to install Minikube, run locally on Minikube, install Kubectl, and use the Kubectl CLI. Download now.


  1. Apple Adds Native W3C WebDriver Support to iOS

Reduce Xcode Build Times Using Carthage and Caching Binary Dependencies

In a recent post, Spotify engineer Patrick Balestra explained how they managed to improve Xcode build time by 50% using dependency manager Carthage to avoid rebuilding dependencies over and over across their teams. (News)



Top Application Development Trends in 2019

What are the top trends in application development? Over 3,300 IT professionals around the world share their insights in our comprehensive research report on the state of enterprise application development. Download Now.

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Gutenberg – a Publish-Subscribe Service for Datasets Created by Netflix

  2. The Swift Method: A Framework for Software Modernization Using DDD

  3. SAP and Microsoft Extend Partnership, Introducing New HANA VMs, Identity and Blockchain Integration

  4. Four Strategies to Handle Backpressure - Jay Phelps at ReactiveConf 2019

GRIT Protocol Enables Distributed Transactions across Multi-Database Microservices

At the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2019, eBay engineers presented a paper introducing a protocol for distributed ACID transactions using multiple databases, GRIT. Support for multiple databases is key to enabling GRIT's use across microservices, which are usually implemented in different languages and may use multiple underlying databases. (News)



Building a Service-oriented Architecture with Rails and Kafka

Learn the basics of Kafka and how its event-driven process can be used to power your Rails services. You’ll also learn about practical considerations and operational challenges that your event-driven Rails services might face around monitoring and scaling. Read the full post.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How a Digital Culture Can Drive the Digital Transformation

  2. How the USCIS Bridged the Divide between IT and the Business at DOES 2019

  3. Dr. Andre Martin from Google on Powerful Company Culture

  4. Developing Cultural Sensitivity in Working with Other Cultures

  5. The Traits of an Agile Nation

Agile and Late! End-to-End Delivery Metrics to Improve Your Predictability

Agile teams may need to deliver milestones expected at a certain time, so will need to forecast or risk being accused of being “Agile and late”. There are metrics that relate to the “Logical Six” potential sources of delay which are key to improving forecasting accuracy. The metrics can used to create a Root Cause RAG Progress Report – to share a more accurate forecast and clear mitigations. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Thinking Remote

The book Thinking Remote - inspiration for leaders and distributed teams by Pilar Orti and Maya Middlemiss provides lots of ideas for managers and leaders who are working with remote or distributed teams. It can be used as a handbook for leaders of virtual teams, helping them to deal with the leadership challenges and making the transition to remote working. (Article)

Upon Retrospective: the Board Went Agile

Sandra Davey and Alan Kirkland discuss their ‘accidental’ Agile journey, and how and why they’re practicing new ways of working. (Presentation)

Rules in Agile Transformation: 80/20 and “Not Everybody Likes to Dance”

Zbigniew Piecuch discusses why some teams do not manage to master Agile. (Presentation)

Futurework: Managing Complexity with Simplicity

Doug Kirkpatrick explores the lessons learned from the journey of vanguard companies as they go through organizational self-management. (Presentation)

Are Teams the Main Problem When Adopting LeSS?

Wolfgang Steffens discusses what it takes to adopt LeSS and what the role of the Scrum Master and of the management in this process is. (Presentation)

Developing a Digital Product: What It Is and How

Roberto Mameli discusses the implications and what it takes to build a successful digital product in the digital economy and how to leverage the network effect. (Presentation with transcript included)

Navigating Complexity: High-Performance Delivery and Discovery Teams

Conal Scanlon talks about why traditional tactics - ones that have been around since the 19th century - don't always help build a better product, and explores what characteristics are common to both delivery and discovery teams. He talks about his experiences in fledgling startups, successful companies, and larger enterprises, and uses these examples to introduce dual-track development. (Presentation with transcript included)

Inside Job: How to Build Great Teams within a Legacy Organization?

Zoe Gagnon and Francisco Trindade discuss their approach to building a sustainable, value-driven product team: up skilling engineers, collaborating with other disciplines, building better culture, creating technological independence, and moving from top-down project management to self-organizing teams. They discuss the challenges of changing an established company, and how they failed while doing it. (Presentation with transcript included)