MPR News Update
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Good morning, and best wishes to you and yours as we enter another difficult week. Here’s what you need to know to start it.

Morning drizzle and possible snow. The Twin Cities have a 50 percent of snow during the day and highs in the lower 40s. Statewide, possible snow and drizzle for the afternoon with northern highs in the mid-30s; near 40 in the south. Nighttime lows for the Twin Cities in the mid-20s with 10 to 15 mph winds. Statewide temps get down to 9 in the north and upper 20s in the south at night. More on Updraft. | Forecast

Gov. Tim Walz has ordered all K-12 schools in Minnesota to close by Wednesday. They’ll stay closed through March 27 as an attempt to slow COVID-19’s increasing spread.  Now state leaders and educators need to figure out how to make it work.

The governor’s order has some provisions for child care and providing meals to students. It “requires schools to provide care for elementary-age children of health care professionals, first responders, and other emergency workers" so the parents can stay working. And the order "makes provisions for the continuity of mental health services and requires schools to continue providing meals to students in need."

Community transmission of the coronavirus is happening in Minnesota. Officials confirmed three such cases on Sunday when the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases increased to 35.

The coronavirus can remain on surfaces up to three days. So, it’s important to use proper cleaning products. Here are some tips for cleaning at your own home and while in public.

There are actions every individual can take to slow the spread of coronavirus. The Minnesota Department of Health lays them out here. Follow along and help save lives.

And if you have kids, there are some ways to navigate the pandemic as a parent. Everything from how to talk about coronavirus to ideas for how to get your kids to stop touching their face, NPR has tips. Looking for other ideas or to connect with others who are raising kids in Minnesota? Join our Facebook Group.

Yes, there’s still a presidential campaign going on. Democratic candidates Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders had their first one-on-one debate Sunday night. Here’s analysis and fact-checking of the whole event, which didn’t have an in-person audience.

-- Cody Nelson, MPR News

Government official: Coronavirus vaccine trial starts Monday
The first participant in the trial will receive the experimental vaccine on Monday, a government official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the trial has not been publicly announced yet. The National Institutes of Health is funding the trial, which is taking place at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle, the official said.

As health care workers prepare for COVID-19, medical students pitch in on the homefront
The students are offering to assist doctors, nurses and others with babysitting, dog-walking or chores like grocery shopping so they can focus on taking care of patients.
Minnesota Legislature scaling back operations amid coronavirus outbreak
Minnesota legislative leaders announced Sunday night that they're planning to effectively recess the legislative session for up to a month, coming in only on an as-needed basis to pass legislation related to the coronavirus situation.
Work and kids suddenly all home? Be flexible and patient, experts say
With businesses and schools closing their buildings to stop the spread of the coronavirus, many Minnesotans are quickly learning the realities of working from home. Doing this successfully involves planning, flexibility and some ingenuity, particularly if there are children at home.
What's on the radio today?
9 a.m. — MPR News with Kerri Miller

Paid sick leave dominates conversations on Capitol Hill and in our workplaces as the new coronavirus continues to spread. However, paid sick leave is far from a given. About 30 percent of private company employees don’t have paid sick days , setting them up to potentially choose between income and health.
But paid sick leave isn’t the only benefit that workers take into account. In today’s increasingly technological world, many employees — even those in so-called “good jobs” — are expected to do more with less. Is working more worth what you get?

Guest host Chris Farrell, senior economics contributor at Marketplace, talks with a sociologist and a management professor about how jobs, and all they entail, have morphed over time and what the future of work could look like.

10 a.m. —1A

iHeartMedia owns and operates 858 broadcast radio stations, serving more than 150 markets throughout the U.S. The company reaches over a quarter billion monthly listeners ​in America.

In January, news hit that iHeartMedia was reassessing its ability to adapt to the modern music industry. The company said that it plans to make "significant investments” in technology and artificial intelligence."

However, its on-air DJs were caught off guard when they found out that the company's restructuring plan didn't include them. Streaming platforms has ushered in the digital age of music where each person makes their own playlists. What does that mean for the future of the on-air DJ in the United States?

11 a.m. — MPR News with Angela Davis

First, the census is here. People across the United States are receiving postcards with instructions for how to fill out the 2020 census online or paper forms that they can return by mail. The leader of Minnesota’s effort to encourage participation will talk about what’s being asked, how the information is being used, the different ways you can complete the census, what’s being done to maximize participation, does the Census have enough workers, how does COVID-19 affect the count and more.

Then, Dr. Craig Bowron and MPR News editor Lorna Benson answer listener questions about COVID-19 and how it is affecting our community.

12 p.m. —  MPR News Presents

An NPR special report on the coronavirus.

This programming schedule is subject to change.
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