Good afternoon! Anybody can support the rights of people we like. But it takes a true American patriot to recognize that the rights granted by the Constitution should be argued and defended on behalf of those we despise, too. Something to keep in mind when considering the ACLU's decision to defend provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos in a recent lawsuit, writes MPR News blogger Bob Collins. | NewsCut | Forecast |
A road trip on Minnesota Highway 1 finds many Trump voters still confident in their man, although some are growing tired of his tactics. If Trump's support erodes, it could spell trouble for GOP efforts here. | A Trump stronghold, bridles at talk of Medicaid cuts |
Minnesota Rep. Jason Lewis called the protest a violation of his private property and "dangerous ramping up of rhetoric" that targeted his family. |
MnDOT is set to play another round of "Can't get there from here," when it shuts the key ramp for two weeks, starting Tuesday morning. |
"Maybe that statement wasn't tough enough," Trump said on Thursday. | Fact check: Is the nuclear arsenal 'stronger than ever'? |
It's unclear whether the Consumer Product Safety Commission will finally pass a rule requiring all new saws to have an active injury prevention monitoring system built into them. |
Last season, Colin Kaepernick said he was protesting treatment of African-Americans. His supporters now say league owners are freezing him out. |
Sen. McCain is calling for increasing the number of U.S. counterterrorism forces and giving them a freer hand to target the Taliban, Islamic State and other terrorist groups. |