Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges meant it as a stinging rebuke when she called the police union head's comments about the Minnesota Lynx "jackass remarks." Now, it's a fashion statement -- and a fundraiser.
The circumstances of the video seem stark: In bright daylight, an unarmed black man lies next to a patient with autism who he was trying to help, holding his hands up and telling police he is a therapist at a group home in an effort to assure officers that they weren't a threat.
The Next Generation Energy Act set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2015, 2025 and 2050. But the state missed its 2015 target and isn't on track to meet the other goals.
Minnesota's jobless rate was unchanged for the fourth consecutive month; the state's year-over-year job growth continues to lag the nation, officials said Thursday.
A police report says 26-year-old Andrew Derwin of Marco Island was arrested Tuesday on charges he stole and crashed a boat off southwest Florida that belongs to the Minnesota dentist who had killed Cecil the lion while hunting in Africa.
The 5th Circuit ruled that the law might not intentionally violate voters' rights, but does have a discriminatory effect. It called for a lower court to fix the problem before the November elections.
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