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MPR News Update PM edition

Good afternoon. In a NewsCut post today, Bob Collins took a look at what the end of the road looks like in America's Dairyland: Yesterday, the auctioneer showed up in Arkansaw, Wisc., and by lunch, 62 cows at Patnode Lane Holsteins were gone. Weston and Jenni Patnode were out of business after four generations on the land. | NewsCut | Forecast

74 Seconds podcast: Jury at an impasse

The judge re-read jurors a portion of the instructions he'd given them on Monday. "You should not hesitate to reexamine your views and change your opinion if they become erroneous, but you should not surrender your honest opinion simply because other jurors disagree or merely to reach a verdict." | The jury returns



Trump orders more cash, industry input, for apprenticeships

Trump signed an executive order to roughly double to $200 million the taxpayer money spent on learn-and-earn programs under a grant system called ApprenticeshipUSA. | A pattern in Trump's policy pitches

Minn. jobless rate improves to 3.7 percent in May; employers cut jobs

Minnesota's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was the best since the end of the great recession, although May also saw 7,200 jobs eliminated, state officials said Thursday.

Senators grill Trump judicial nominees on provocative blog posts

Two judicial nominees' blogging dominated their confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The posts featured conspiracy theories and an ad hominem attack on a Supreme Court justice.


Polygamous sect leader captured in South Dakota

The group, known as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is based in a small community on the Utah-Arizona border, but it also has a small compound in far west South Dakota.

Medicaid cuts in Wisconsin would undermine training for adults with disabilities

Job-coaching and other support services that enable many adults to live in the community instead of institutions will likely be curtailed if the GOP plan to shrink Medicaid becomes law.

'Fargo' recap: I got different facts

In the penultimate episode for season three of 'Fargo,' all of V.M. Varga's carefully plotted plans begin to come under fire.

Iowa charges man accused of scamming churchgoers in several states

Iowa authorities have charged a man who they say has been scamming churchgoers in several states by telling them he needed to get home because his parents had been killed by a roadside bomb in the Middle East.

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