Mr. Princess From Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cat Really Did That? By Stormy Corrin Russell As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human kind. ~Cleveland Amory Growing up, one of the best things that ever happened to me was when my mother brought home Princess. She was gorgeous, a fluffy Creamsicle-looking cat with big, blue eyes and a sweet disposition. Only, when Princess went to her first vet appointment, we got a bit of a shock. Princess was a prince! But the name stuck. He was thenceforth known as Mr. Princess: household pet and my best friend. I could tell plenty of stories about him, but there's one that I return to, year after year. It happened when my sister Kiah was in diapers. From the time she could walk, Kiah was nicknamed Houdini. The name was apt; she escaped every restraint we could devise, from car seats to high chairs. This included clothing. And despite child-locking every door on the house, she always seemed to get past those as well. (Keep reading) |