
Special From Kaseya

2021 MSP Benchmark Survey Reveals MSP Growth Opportunities

Due to the pandemic, 2020 was as challenging a year for MSPs as it was for any other business. However, given the rapid rise in the need for businesses worldwide to shift to remote work, MSPs have seen both new and old opportunities emerge and re-emerge. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

  • Cybersecurity: A major concern for businesses of all sizes, cybersecurity presents a huge opportunity for MSP revenue growth. With the number of cyberattacks increasing year on year, 63% of MSPs have seen their clients turn to them for cybersecurity plans and best practices. Find out more about how cybersecurity offerings play a critical role in MSP business growth.
  • Remote Workforce Setup: With SMB employees scattered across home offices, remote workforce management has become a necessity for companies. MSPs can step in and take advantage of this opportunity by providing the right support to their clients. Learn more about how remote work has affected the MSP industry in the 2021 Global MSP Benchmark Survey Results Report.
  • Cloud Migration: In the Kaseya 2021 MSP Benchmark Survey, 54% of MSPs have seen a rise in revenue for cloud services provided in 2020, which indicates that cloud management services are a necessity for most MSP clients as they go through tough digital transitions.



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