Good morning, Marketer, time to put on your detective hat.

Martech has a lot in common with a whodunnit: A mystery to solve, clues to search for and for who (or what) did it to be named! Except in this case you’re looking for the good, not the bad. You want to find out what drove a conversion. Another difference, knowing only the last touchpoint won’t solve the case. It’s seldom just one thing “what did it.” 

The martech equivalent of a wise-cracking private investigator is multichannel attribution. Nahla Davies’ post today is a deep dive into this essential marketing tool. She gets to the bottom of the case by explaining how all the parts work together.

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor


Marketing attribution

Multichannel attribution: Understanding the metrics behind successful campaigns


Get insights into multichannel attribution, along with key metrics, tools and methodologies for better decision-making.

Email marketing

4 ways to add personalization to your emails right now


Leverage personalization strategies in your email program to enhance your holiday marketing campaigns and increase revenue.

B2B marketing

B2B buyers see persistent problems with tech vendors


Buyers want vendors who know their industry, deliver on support, provide clear product and pricing info, and are open about fulfillment.


Data and AI ignite real-time customer conversations and tangible business results


Dun & Bradstreet's SVP of sales and marketing reveals why data is the key to innovation and success.

Today's MarTech webinar

Win Customer Loyalty with Cross-Channel Strategies


Converting new customers is a lot more expensive than the cost of retention. So, understanding customer intent to drive retention and loyalty is a must for marketers.

Digital experience platform (DXP)

Optimizely: A unified workflow for marketers


Plus how three customers are using a mix of different Optimizely solutions.


Marketing attribution

Measuring the invisible: The truth about marketing attribution


Is marketing attribution a myth or reality? Here are three tips for doing attribution as well as it can be done.

MarTech buyer's guides

Compare the top 10 marketing automation platform


This comprehensive 50+ page report will help you identify must-have features like predictive analytics and AI-based recommendations and compare leading vendors like Adobe, Oracle, and Salesforce.

Email marketing

5 tips for an effective holiday browse-abandonment program


An email automation targeting browsers who don't buy can be an effective tool to bring busy shoppers back for a second look.

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