(MRM) Is A 501 (C) (3) Nonprofit Organization Addressing The Issues Of The Homeless In Murfreesboro Tennessee
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Dear ,

We have breaking news regarding the property.

…Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the lease of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40 (KJV)  

The focus of Murfreesboro Rescue Mission goes beyond food, clothing, and shelter. Our greatest hope is to share the love of Christ with those who are at their lowest point in life. Whether it’s passing out water on the streets in temperatures above 90 degrees or preparing winter shelter to receive guests during temperatures below 32. These are all great opportunities to listen to their heartbreaks, offer prayer, and share the love of God. Many are open and receptive whereas they may not have been at a different point in life.  

The holiday season is fast approaching, and we are all looking forward to spending time with friends and family members. Holidays to our homeless neighbors are often filled with experiences they would rather forget. To further complicate these circumstances, not being with family, just makes it more difficult. Last winter season, with your help, we served over 200 unique individuals, provided over 1700 meals along with over 1500 individual nights of lodging. We hope we can count on you again this season.

Breaking news: The last piece of property needed is now under contract and we are halfway towards making the purchase. Only seventy-five thousand dollars remains to be raised. Thank you for both your prayers and gifts towards winter shelter and we are especially grateful to be moving closer to the property purchase. We cannot do this without your help. Please continue to pray for us as we work towards the purchase of property and please continue to help us accomplish our goal. We need gifts of five thousand dollar or more to help with this purchase. Equally important are those gifts below five thousand dollars. If we all pull together, we can get there and Lord willing, by the end of this year. Please do what you can.

Ed Grimes
Executive Director
"Change Matters" - You can make a difference…
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Murfreesboro Rescue Mission is a registered 501c3, and your gift is tax deductible.
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P.O. Box 11368
Murfreesboro, TN 37129

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