Time is running out to make a nomination for HSE’s 2025 Risk-reduction through design awards

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Health and Safety Executive

HSE ebulletin

Issued: 16 December 2024

Further updates and guidance on Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) can be found on the HSE website.

Recognising contributions to reducing musculoskeletal risk

Time is running out to make a nomination for HSE’s 2025 Risk-reduction through design awards.

If you are an employer in the UK and you have made design changes that have reduced musculoskeletal risks in your workplace, then nominate yourselves for the awards.

Any UK employer can enter and there is an additional award category for small and medium size businesses (up to 250 employees).

The deadline for entries is 31 January 2025. Our website has further details on how to enter and case studies of previous winners.


Health and safety statistics 2024

HSE has published the latest statistics on work-related health and safety in Great Britain.

The statistics reveal that 543,000 workers suffered from work-related musculoskeletal disorders in 2023 to 2024, with an estimated 7.8 million working days lost as a result.

The release provides detailed commentary on these figures and is supported by: 


Manual handling at work: guidance on the law

As an employer, you must protect your workers from the risks of manual handling injuries in the workplace. 

You can find help with preventing these sorts of risks in your workplace on our manual handling webpages.

They have a range of useful information and guidance for employers, including sections on assessing manual handling and training for workers.

There are also links to a variety of useful resources. These include our free-to-download publications:


Training courses to help recognise, assess and reduce MSD risks


31 March to 4 April 2025, HSE Science and Research Centre, Buxton

This course provides a solid introduction to ergonomics and the theory and techniques used to optimise the design of tools, tasks and workplaces.

Find out further information and/or book your place


Musculoskeletal Disorders Assessment

6 February 2025, HSE Science and Research Centre, Buxton

This course covers the key methods of assessing manual handling tasks, including:

  • the Manual Handling Assessment Charts (the MAC tool)
  • the Risk Assessment of Pushing and Pulling tool (the RAPP tool)
  • the Assessment of Repetitive Tasks tool (the ART tool), which is used to assess the risk of upper limb disorders

Find out further information and/or book your place 

Vital statistics poster 2024

The poster presents HSE's health and safety statistics for 2023 to 2024 in an infographic style that is easy to understand.

Find out more and order your copy: Health and safety at work: Vital statistics poster 2024

Health and Safety Executive - 2.2 Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HS