TODAY'S TOP STORIES - February 7, 2017

Trump's Muslim Ban Results in 5-Year-Old in Handcuffs

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

How ordinary Americans "just doing their jobs" help Trump carry out evil things. READ MORE»

Mike Pence Breaks Senate Tie to Confirm Betsy DeVos

By Laura Clawson, DailyKos

"She spent millions of dollars," a staffer for NC Senator Toomey said.  READ MORE»

Anderson Cooper Slams Trump's 'Underreported' Terror Attack List With Scathing Takedown: 'I Was There'

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Like much of what Trump claims, the opposite is true. READ MORE»

George W. Bush's 'Torture Lawyer' Turns on Trump—but It May Be Too Late

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

John Yoo unleashed the "unitary executive" theory that enabled Bush's torture program. Now he wants to take it back. READ MORE»

Children's Book Editor Lays Out Powerful Case Against Milo Yiannopoulos' Book—And Publishing Industry's Whiteness

By Jenny Pierson, AlterNet

Would such a book be published by a more diverse industry? READ MORE»

Melania Trump's Lawyers Admit She Hoped to Cash in on Being First Lady by Selling Clothes and Fragrances

By Sarah Burris, Raw Story

Apparently, Melania does not understand the emoluments clause either. READ MORE»

Colbert Mocks Trump's Latest Absurd Charge Against the Media

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

“I demand that the media not release the reports they did not do on the attacks that did not occur." READ MORE»

Sean Spicer Reveals His Total Detachment From Reality in Bonkers Statement About Protesters

By Jen Hayden, DailyKos

This is becoming one of the right's most consistent unhinged storylines. READ MORE»

Samantha Bee's 'Full Frontal' Gives a Floundering President Trump Hilarious Advice for Tackling Black History Month

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Don't.  READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Jen Sorensen on the Misplaced Paranoia of Trump Supporters

By Jen Sorensen, AlterNet

They believe Soros paid for the pink hats, but ignore stark evidence of corruption. READ MORE»

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