'Reconstruction seems like it’s just a cosmetic thing, like it’s not a big deal. But it changes your mental health.'
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‘My Breast Reconstruction Surgery Was Delayed Because Of COVID-19’
Reconstruction seems like it’s just a cosmetic thing, like it’s not a big deal. But it changes your mental health. Read More
Crayola Just Released Colors of the World Crayons That Include 24 Skin Tone Shades
Now every child can accurately color themselves. 👍👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽👍🏾👍🏿 Read More
10 No-Makeup Selfies Proving Demi Moore Has Nailed An Anti-Aging Routine
57 years old, where??? Read More
Yankee Stadium Is Being Turned Into A Giant Drive-In Movie Theater This Summer
OMG!!! Read More
Naomi Campbell Just Turned 50 And Is In The Best Shape Of Her Life
It's about attacking the body in different parts and conditioning," says the supermodel. Here's how she's doing it with the help of her trainer, Joe Holder. Read More
64 Celebrities Who Admitted They Hate Their Iconic Roles
Whether it's the character or how they played it, these stars spoke out. Read More
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