Hi Achternaam,

When you first start canning, you might not understand or care about the science behind canning. I know I didn’t! I just faithfully followed directions.

But as I learned more, I realized that when you understand the why behind all of the recommendations, it all makes more sense. That makes a huge difference in my own canning journey, and that's why my goal today is to teach in a way that you can understand and not just blindly follow instructions.

I always strive to explain why. That means if you're ever reading one of my articles and something isn't clear, please ask me! I love hearing feedback from our readers, and that helps us update our pages so they're as helpful as possible, especially for beginners.

Okay, after a slightly longer intro than normal, let's dive into the articles!

Peach Butter - Page Recently Updated! Did you know that you can make peach butter, similiar to apple butter? It is oh, so good, especially if you add spices.

Learn about Peach Butter here.

Harvest Guard Reusable Canning Lids - New Page! I’ve been using reusable canning lids, but I have never tried the Harvest Guard Brand. I am familiar with the owner of this company, and I figured they would make a good product…I was right! My assistant, Rachel, received some lids and agreed to let us know her thoughts. It sounds like she has had success so far!

Learn about Harvest Guard Lids l here.

Homemade Sauerkraut - This recipe involves several separate steps, so you might think it will be hard and complicated and messy. But that's a totally wrong impression! It's actually pretty easy.

Learn about Homemade Sauerkraut here.

How to Grow Lettuce - Early spring means growing lettuce, spinach, and other cold hardy crops. I love getting started, because it means winter is over and warm days are here.

Learn about How to Grow Lettuce here.


P.S. Get the training, advice, kitchen tips, and support to plan and fill your pantry and table with home canned foods. Simply Canning School is the tool you need to get moving! Choose individual classes to learn the types of canning that interest you, or just join the full membership instead! It's up to you...

Learn more about Simply Canning School here.
