Almost every week I get some version of the same question from a reader or client…

“Craig, my leadership sucks… how can I lead my team more effectively and ensure we’re able to hit our goals?”

It’s an important question... 

And I give a ton of credit to anyone who’s willing to accept they have a problem and try to do something about it.

Because most folks are too stubborn to admit this. 

And if your eyes are glazing over right now and you’re thinking about clicking the shiny back arrow or “x” button to stop reading this email… 

… Hold up. 

Because I’ve got a quick reality check for you. 

If you’re currently… 

1) Making way less money than you feel like you should be 
2) Working way more hours than you need to  

I’m almost 100% confident the reason is because you aren’t being the leader your business needs you to be. 

As my buddy Bedros Keuilian says… 

“Leadership is always the problem. Leadership is always the solution.” 

So if you’re “struckling” and frustrated, the good news is that the problem is pretty clear… 

And the better news is that it’s much easier to fix than you think. 

You see, where most people go wrong... is they think leadership is about being good at delegating…

Or being some uber charismatic type who can motivate a team to charge into battle behind them (like Bobby Axelrod from 
Billions or Wolf of Wall Street’s Jordan Belfort).

Sure, maybe on TV. 

But in the real world… that’s not it.

The unsexy truth is that great leadership…

Which results in your team running like a well-oiled machine and you working fewer hours in your business…

… ALL comes down to one thing.


It’s about every team member knowing their top priorities on a daily basis.

They need to understand the chief aim of your business right now…

And how their role can best contribute to those goals.

When you do this correctly… 

Your business will experience explosive growth with LESS work required from you.

Because your team members already have all the answers to solve your business’s biggest problems.

The best ideas to rapidly grow your business will come from the front lines…

From the people battling in the trenches every day.

It’s up to you to make it easy for them to provide this information...

Which is a process I cover in depth in this month’s edition of 
Millionaire Monthly.

In the September issue I’m showing you 3 “Meeting Rhythms” to unlock the millions your business is missing.

By implementing these simple meeting blueprints you’ll turbocharge your leadership and leverage the hidden strengths of your team...

And have your business surging with consistent growth (WITHOUT you being in the office until 9 pm).

No swag or motivational speeches required.

All you have to do is drop these failsafe meeting formulas into your business...

... And you'll never again have to worry about being able to “rally the troops”... 

Or masterfully delegate every task that pops up.

With your team aligned and an effective “cadence of communication”…

Most of that will take care of itself.

But there’s one last thing you should know...

Next month, my team and I will be raising the price of the Millionaire Monthly newsletter… a LOT.

(UNLESS of course you’re already subscribed)

We put too much effort and value into this newsletter to keep charging such a low price.

And even though we haven’t determined the final number yet…

… it'll probably be triple or more starting in October.

Meaning that THIS September edition will be your last chance to join at just $7…

But when you grab this issue you’ll grandfather in that low pricing no matter what it goes up to in the future.

In each month’s guide — I share new secrets myself and my 250+ millionaire clients use each day to grow our businesses, strengthen our mindsets, and live our perfect lives.

It was only a matter of time before the price went up…
But right now, you can still lock in your access for less than a couple Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes.

Don’t snooze on this opportunity… by the time you wake up it might be too late.

>> You can go here to join Millionaire Monthly for just $7 for the rest of today

Success Loves Speed,


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