Last week, Michelle and I met up with a friend & client at an event down here in the Riviera Maya.

For me, the best part of this event was a keynote presentation from Mr. MaxOut himself, Ed Mylett.

So today I thought I’d share my take on some of the advice Ed gave, and how you can apply it in your own life.

1. You Can Do Better

“You were put on this earth to do something great,” Ed said.

“Yes, you’re doing well,” Ed said.

Nice house. Swimming pool. Great sales commissions.

Yes, you’re doing well…

But compared to what?

Compared to the humble upbringing you had? Yes.

Compared to your full potential? No.

You’re not doing as well as you could.

You are capable of so much more.

I needed that one.

Coming from nothing and now having more than I could have ever imagined…

Coming from working 10 hours a day for $2.85 an hour at age 13, digging ditches all summer long…

Complacency can seep in when you have a good business, a great team, passive income, etc.

That’s why this was the part of Ed’s message that hit me the hardest.

I know I can do more.

We all can.

2. Set Hyper-Specific Goals

Like me, Ed believes everyone needs a Specific Definition of Success.

When you give your brain a specific goal...

You begin to see the path to success in a much clearer way than you do when you set general goals.

Your Reticular Activating System filters out the fluff and shows you what really matters.

3. Fit other people’s vision inside your vision

If you want to build a business full of great people…

Then make their big vision fit INSIDE of your big vision.

Help people achieve their biggest dreams by being a part of your team.

If you can do that…

If you can make your vision so big that it can take care of everyone else’s goals…

That’s when you’ll be able to attract A-Players that will do their best for you because you’re doing your best for them.

That’s something I’m focusing on here at ETR… 

And I believe it’s a major reason why things are looking so good.


Shout out to Ed Mylett for his world-class keynote and the motivational boost.

I hope this advice speaks to you like it spoke to me…

And that you’ll start taking action right now to apply it in your life and business.

Success Loves Speed,
