We must stop the assault on the open internet.
free press action fund


As a digital campaigner at Free Press I work to safeguard online rights from corporate and government abuse — work that increases in importance as the internet becomes more central to our lives. In particular, I work on Net Neutrality, the principle that you should be able to see and do what you want online without interference from internet service providers.

I fight to protect Net Neutrality because it’s essential for online activism and for communities often ignored by the mainstream to tell their own stories. Join the fight to save the open internet — chip in $10 or more today.

I have been inspired by the movements for justice that have taken root online. #BlackLivesMatter and #NoDAPL stand out in particular because they have changed the narrative about police brutality and the fight for indigenous rights in the United States.

When the media criminalized Black men, children and trans women being killed by the police #BlackLivesMatter stepped in to alter the narrative. And when the media ignored the water protectors’ fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline, people turned to #NoDAPL and #StandWithStandingRock to get the latest information.

This kind of online mobilization is protected by Net Neutrality — and it’s under threat now that the Trump administration, the Chairman of the FCC and their corporate cronies have launched an assault on the open internet.

We need all the help we can get to stop the rollback of Net Neutrality — please chip in $10 or more to help us win this fight.

The Trump FCC’s plan to get rid of Net Neutrality would allow for corporate control of the internet, as internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon would be able to block and throttle content online — including political speech and attempts to mobilize activists that don’t align with their corporate agenda.

In an era when activists and journalists are being targeted by the government, allowing corporations to control what we do and say online would be more dangerous than ever. Help us save the open internet from corporate control.

Thanks for all that you do—


P.S. Your gift of $10 more today will help us keep fighting to save the internet in the crucial weeks ahead. And because we don’t take a cent from business, government or political parties, your contribution will help us stay independent, too. Thank you!

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at freepress.net.

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