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MySQL Newsletter
This Edition's Content
News cta-arrow
Ondemand Webcasts cta-arrow
Events cta-arrow
Customer References cta-arrow
Blogs cta-arrow
White Paper cta-arrow
Product Releases cta-arrow
Training and Certification cta-arrow
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Recap from MySQL @ Oracle OpenWorld 2019
View the videos and download the presentations from the MySQL Sessions at Oracle Open World 2019.
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MySQL Ondemand Webcasts
Automatic Upgrade and New Error Logging in MySQL 8.0
Automatic Upgrade and New Error Logging in MySQL 8.0
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The Enterprise Edition of MySQL
The Enterprise Edition of MySQL

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MySQL Events
MySQL UK Roadshow
November 05, 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom

MySQL UK Roadshow
November 07, 2019, London, United Kingdom

November 7 - 8, 2019, Moscow, Russian Federation

OpenSource Conference Fukuoka
November 09, 2019, Fukuoka, Japan

November 15 - 17, 2019, Pravets, Bulgaria

MySQL Day Milano
November 26, 2019, Milan, Italy
MySQL Customer References
Mobitel is Sri Lanka's leading mobile provider. Find out how MySQL helps them achieve their IT goals...
Mobitel is Sri Lanka's leading mobile  provider. Find out how MySQL helps them achieve their IT goals...
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As a company with an open source strategy France Billet chose MySQL over a decade ago. Find out more...
As a company with an open source strategy France Billet chose MySQL over a decade ago. Find out more...
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MySQL Blogs
The MySQL 8.0.18 Maintenance Release is Generally Available
By Geir Hoydalsvik

By Norvald H. Ryeng

MySQL 8.0.18 Replication Enhancements
By Luis Soares

MySQL InnoDB Cluster – What’s new in Shell AdminAPI 8.0.18 release
By Miguel Araújo

Support for TLS 1.3 in Group Replication
By Tiago J.

MySQL is OpenSSL-only now!
By Georgi Kodinov

MySQL Server Performance Tuning: The Perfect Scalability
By Mirko Ortensi
MySQL White Paper
MySQL White Paper
Guide to the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard: From Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL
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MySQL Product Releases
New Release: MySQL Community Server 8.0.18 (GA)
View the complete list of changes
Download MySQL Community Server
Training and Certification
Oracle University offers in-depth MySQL training. Learn how advanced features and management tools can help you achieve the highest levels of MySQL scalability, security, and reliability in your database management system.

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MySQL Downloads
Try Oracle MySQL Cloud Service
Try MySQL Enterprise Edition
Download MySQL Community Edition
Download MySQL Cluster
Download MySQL Workbench
Download MySQL Installer for Windows