3 mystery book publishers, mystery and thriller online conference, and more!
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Writers Market
Mystery Book Publishers
Since we have our fourth annual Writer's Digest Mystery/Thriller online conference just around the corner, let's look at a few mystery book publishers. What makes a good mystery? A grand crime? Kooky suspects? Plot twists that keep the reader guessing? Yes to all of this and more! If you've written a mystery, there's no mystery where to find book publishers and agents that handle this genre. Click to continue.
Thriller Conference!
Craft a better mystery novel this year by attending the Thriller virtual conference. Learn from bestselling and award-winning authors and receive personalized feedback from literary agents. Click to continue.
Writer's Market Deluxe Edition 2018
Get the best combination of the latest Writer's Market book with a one-year subscription to WritersMarket.com!
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Writer's Market 2018
The guide that's been helping writers get published and get paid for their writing since 1921 includes thousands of listings for book publishers, magazines, agents, and more.
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Guide to Literary Agents 2018
Get the ultimate guide to literary agents with hundreds of listings for literary agents and how to create submissions they'll love!
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Check Out the Writer's Digest Podcast!
I'm so excited to announce the introductory episode of the Writer's Digest Podcast, hosted by Gabriela Pereira. In this first episode, Pereira discusses content creation (and why writers should embrace the term), community building, and more with Writer's Digest insiders Tyler Moss and Jess Zafarris. Click to continue.
Craft Queries That Get Noticed!
Find more success with your writing in 2018 with a literary agent by taking the Agent One-on-One: Craft Query Letters and Other Submission Materials That Get Noticed boot camp. During this online event, participants will receive personalized instruction and feedback from actual literary agents to start finding more success with their queries and other submission materials. Click to continue.
Robert Lee Brewer
Robert Lee Brewer
Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor for the Writer's Digest Writing Community. He edits Writer's Market, directs online conferences, and writes for the magazine and website. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer.
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