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February 7, 2024

Today's Obituaries
Beaman Sr., James E.
James Edward Beaman Sr. transitioned to be with our heavenly Father on January 29, 2024. James, the son of Wardell Barnes and Elizabeth Beaman-Barnes ..... CTA
Bodnar Jr., Joseph L.
Husband, Father, Cook, Fisherman, Sports Fan, CFO Joseph L. Bodnar Jr. passed away on Thursday, February 1, 2024, at Center for Hope Hospice, in ..... CTA
Cole, Kenneth R.
USAF veteran, devoted father, grandfather, and uncle, 77 Kenneth R. Cole, 77, of Sinking Spring, passed away on Sunday, February 4, 2024, in the ..... CTA
Corcoran, Florence R.
Florence R. Corcoran, 99, of Oxford, NJ, a former longtime West Caldwell resident, passed away on Feb 3, 2024. Visiting will be at Paul ..... CTA
Dziadzio, John Francis
Partner/CFO of JL Media; devoted husband, father & grandfather John Francis Dziadzio of Warren, NJ, passed away peacefully on Sunday, February 4th, 2024. He ..... CTA
Ferrone, Carmen
Beloved Aunt, Longtime Dover Resident, 68 Carmen Ferrone, age 68, died on Sunday, January 7, 2024 at Golden Hill Healthcare Center in Kingston, New ..... CTA
Forstenhausler, Laverne
Beloved Bloomfield teacher, loving wife, mother, grandmother Mrs. Laverne Forstenhausler, 94, went to eternal rest on February 3, 2024 in Toms River, NJ. She ..... CTA
LaPorte, Richard A.
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Richard A. LaPorte, a cherished husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend. Richard left ..... CTA
Meyers, Andrew "Andy"
Andrew "Andy" Meyers passed away on Feb. 3, 2024. Andy is survived by his loving wife Barbara, his sons Keith and Drew, and his ..... CTA
Mount, Marilyn
Beloved mother and grandmother, of East Hanover, 83 Marilyn Mount, age 83 of East Hanover, formerly of Livingston and West Orange, NJ, passed away ..... CTA
O'Rourke, Ann Theresa
Beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, 91 O'Rourke, Ann Theresa (nee Crehan), 91, of Middletown, New Jersey, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, January 31, 202... CTA
Patin, John
John Patin, 77, of Boonton NJ, died Feb 3, 2024. John was born & grew up in Louisiana and moved to Boonton in 1973. ..... CTA
Scarabino, Olympia Rose
Olympia Rose (Campesi) Scarabino, "Cookie", 80, of East Hanover, passed away on February 5, 2024. To view obituary, funeral information, or write a condolence, ..... CTA
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