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July 28, 2023

Today's Obituaries
Abagnale, Joan M.
Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, 87 Joan M. Abagnale ( nee Steele ), 87, died Wednesday, July 26, 2023. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, she ..... CTA
Forlenza, Gerard Anthony
100, 1923 - 2023 Gerard Anthony Forlenza (Jerry), 100, 1923 – 2023, passed away after a brief illness on 17 July 2023 with his ..... CTA
Gibbs, James J.
Dearly loved husband, father, grandfather, and brother, 74 James J. "Jim" Gibbs, 74, passed away on July 23, 2023. Jim was born to James ..... CTA
McNany IV, Owen Vincent
1972 - 2023 Vincent McNany passed into eternal rest on Wednesday, July 26, 2023. He was a graduate of Oratory Prep (1990) and Seton ..... CTA
Mustica, Santa
Santa Mustica, 73, passed away peacefully on July 24, 2023. To view obituary or write a condolence, visit: , 973-377-5050. ..... CTA
Nacnodovitz Jr., Walter Michael
Engineering Consultant, History Buff & Dedicated Family Man Walter Michael Nacnodovitz, Jr., 73, passed away on July 19, 2023, in Asheville, N.C surrounded by ..... CTA
Yacenda, James G.
Real Estate Developer With Broad Portfolio, Family Man, "His Personality Was Unforgettable" With great sadness, the family of James G. Yacenda, 76, of Florham ..... CTA
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