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September 27, 2021

Today's Obituaries
Daniels, Robin
Celebration of life is on Tuesday Robin Daniels, 61, of Elizabeth, NJ, departed this life on September 20, 2021. A celebration of her life ..... CTA
Gary, William Edward
Touched the lives of many students as educator in Plainfield William Edward Gary passed away in the early morning of August 17, 2021 after ..... CTA
Laferrera, Anne
Warren resident; her greatest joy was spending time with family Anne Laferrera, age 81, passed away on September 26, 2021 at her home in ..... CTA
Langley, Betsey Eisele
Betsey Eisele Langley, 96, of West Caldwell died on September 25, 2021. Predeceased by her husband, Joseph A. Langley, and siblings, Richard Eisele and ..... CTA
Lyons, Marie Pettus
Service is on Tuesday Marie Pettus Lyons of West Orange was born on April 18, 1945, and passed away on Sept. 20, 2021. Service ..... CTA
Newman, Charles H.
Advocate for the disabled, Memorial Mass set for Oct. 9 On May 13, 2020, Charles H. Newman, (Charlie), age 63, of Cranford, NJ, entered ..... CTA
Reyes, Dolores D.
Beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother On Sunday, September 19, 2021, Dolores D. Reyes of East Orange NJ peacefully transitioned from this life. Funeral services ... CTA
Salvato, Frank J.
Westfield dentist, loving husband, father, grandfather, 91 Frank J. Salvato (The Babe), age 91, passed away peacefully on Sunday, Sept 26, 2021. He was ..... CTA
Young, Elinor "Dolores"
Beloved for her wit, Grandma cake & penchant for wearing pink Elinor "Dolores" Young, 88, passed away peacefully at her daughter's home in Scotch ..... CTA All Digital Access
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