Hello friends,
In times of crisis, our highest calling is to help each other. That’s why Nathan and I are taking the unprecedented step of making our CBD products affordable for all.
We founded Naked Leaf to share hemp’s benefits with the world after seeing how life-changing it was for our parents, friends, and pets. And now, with global anxiety sky-rocketing, our hearts are concerned about healing, not profits. If we can help just a few extra people navigate these next few weeks and months, we will have achieved our mission.
Here’s the deal. For the next 10 days, we’ll accept any discount you choose from our four options below. To help you stock up – or let you supply your pets or parents – we’ve decided you can apply the discount to as many as three items.
Look, we’d give this stuff away if we could – that’s how much we care about you and how much we believe in the power of our CBD. But Naked Leaf is still a young, family-operated company striving for profitability. So we humbly ask that you select the offer that feels fair.
Please choose the discount code that makes our CBD affordable for you, and apply it in the cart to access your savings.
With love and best wishes for your continued health,