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Extended Call for News  :  Deadline September 25th 2017

Dear current and new readers,

This latest NanoSafety Cluster Bulletin brings you the announcement of an extended deadline for the NSC newsletter: a busy summer for people and projects means that the next issue will now be published a little later. The deadline for submitting your news is now September 25th.

If you are new to the NSC Cluster, welcome to an open platform for NanoSafety and EHS dialogue and exchange. Researchers, regulators, administrators, industry, civil society representatives... if you have an interest in EHS and nanotechnology, you are very welcome to participate in Cluster activities whether or not you are a partner in formal European projects.

With the number of NSC Newsletter recipients approaching 3,000, and with every issue available via the the NSC website, the NSC Newsletter is the perfect free vehicle for showcasing your projects, research and results. Would you like to report on any of your events and outcomes? Do you want the community to know about your latest developments? Perhaps you have a conference, course or publication to promote to NanoSafety Cluster members? Don't miss the opportunity.

  • Submit your news and accompanying images by September 25th:

  •  Subscribe to the Newsletter here:

  • Follow us on twitter: @EUNanoSafety

You can also contact me directly at

Finally, visit the website to view the latest NSC Compendium 2017, edited by Prof. Iseult Lynch at the University of Birmingham (UK). This crucial volume highlights recently completed, current and new NanoSafety related H2020 projects, with others listed here.  You can also find out more about the restructuring of the NSC Working Groups and the deployment of the new action plan for 2017-2021.

Meanwhile, keep submitting your news and images.

Best wishes,
