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Dear Current and New Readers,

Welcome to the Autumn NSC Newsletter (attached and downloadable from the website) and thank you everyone as always for your valuable contributions.

As you may know, for the past four years the NSC Newsletter has been compiled and produced under the steadfast aegis of the NanoDefine project, which ends on 31st October 2017.  We are hoping to have established a new home for it in the not too distant future.

Meanwhile, in an exciting new development, the EU NanoSafety Cluster is delighted to announce the first in a series of webinars that will introduce its work and the key outcomes from its projects.  These webinars, held every 4 months, are open to all interested participants and will start on November 20, at 1500 CET. The first webinar presents the NanoSafety Cluster, with future webinars on important project outcomes and their impact on the safe development of nanomaterials to the consumer across all sectors.

If you would like to attend the kick off webinar, please sign up here

Don't miss the Job Opportunities section, where a not-to-be-missed opportunity for a Section Head of Nanotechnology and Chemical Safety at the IOM Edinburgh is announced.

Finally, on behalf of WG7 Dissemination, we hope you enjoy this latest edition of the newsletter.

Kind regards



How to get involved:


  • Submit your news and accompanying images by September 25th:

  •  Subscribe to the Newsletter here:

  • Follow us on twitter: @EUNanoSafety

You can also contact me directly at