www.nanosafetycluster.eu   | 7th May 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dear NanoSafety Cluster colleague,

Due to a number of recent submissions of more immediate relevance, a special 'NanoSafety Cluster Bulletin' is out now (see attached).

It opens with a reminder to contribute an overview of all new, running and ended projects by 2nd June 2017 for the next edition of the NanoSafety Cluster Compendiuman announcement about the final NanoDefine Outreach Event in Brussels in September; essential SOPs produced by the DaNA project; the culmination of the dynamic SUN project and the outcomes of the recently held SRA policy forum.

The Bulletin also highlights the launch of the EC4safenano initiative which is being supported by a survey that captures your views and needs - the results of the survey will be shared with all respondents and discussed in an open workshop prior to the EuroNanoForum on the 20th of June 2017 in Malta

Links are provided to two important new publications which contribute to the ever-expanding body of vital work produced by the NSC Projects.

Finally, the bulletin concludes with an announcement about NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017— the largest technology, networking and matchmaking annual event in Europe. Don’t miss the deadlines!

As always, we hope you find this publication of interest and we value your contributions—without them there would be no newsletter

Submissions for our Summer issue are welcome until the end of July and can include any of the following:

- NanoSafety Cluster News
- NSC Working Group Reports
- NSC Projects News
- News from related projects
- General RTD or policy news and updates
- EC Reports


- Resources
- Publications
- Events, workshops, conferences, webinars, meetings
- Jobs and research opportunities
- Funding opportunities

Submit your items for the Newsletter here:


Subscribe to receive the Newsletter and Bulletins here:

About the NanoSafety Cluster

The EU NanoSafety Cluster maximises the synergies between European-level projects addressing the safety of materials and technologies enabled by the use of nanoparticles. The studied aspects include toxicology, ecotoxicology, exposure assessment, mechanisms of interaction, risk assessment and standardisation.

The Cluster is an initiative of the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD), which sponsors these large projects. Overall, Europe targets safe and sustainable nanomaterials and nanotechnology innovations. Cluster projects contribute to assuring environmental health and safety (EHS) of this Key Enabling Technology.

The Cluster also is an open platform for dialogue and exchange. Researchers, regulators, administrators, industry, civil society representatives... if you have an interest in EHS and nanotechnology, you are very welcome to participate in Cluster activities whether or not you are a partner in formal European projects.

This site is your gateway to the Cluster projects, as well as to Working Groups formed to address transversal concerns. Explore the menu, read our Compendium, subscribe to our rich Newsletter, keep up to date with events, submit your own nano-EHS related news or invitations to meetings.


For any NSC Newsletter queries or feedback, email: lesleytobin@outlook.com