Scientists outline the material selection and design of a novel bimorph piezoelectric energy harvester with an extremely high energy harvesting output power density.
This work could lead to efficient, detailed artificial bone tissue, opening doors to disease modeling, in vitro cell research on targeted therapies, drug screening and more.
An international team of researchers developed a sensitive method to find and trace nanomaterials in blood and tissues, and traced nanomaterials across an aquatic food chain, from microorganisms to fish, which is a major source of food in many countries. This method can open new horizons for taking safety actions.
Microstructure and macroscopic electro-mechanical properties are closely coupled in so-called ferroelectric polymers. An explanation for the high temperature dependence of this coupling has now been found.
Researchers fabricate Li-ion battery electrodes with Si swarf/graphite sheet composites, achieving high performance, reduced cost, and environmental friendliness.
A team of researchers has succeeded in creating a micrometer-sized space-time crystal consisting of magnons at room temperature. With the help of an ultra-precise X-ray microscope, they were able to capture the recurring periodic magnetization structure in a video.