Researchers report unprecedented observations of the formation of oscillatory bifurcation patterns on the surface of solidified liquid metals. The outcomes showcase exciting potentials of liquid metals and enrich the library of technologically important solidification structures.
Researchers have developed a new type of printing process that involves removing material rather than depositing it. Their method could be particularly useful for printing banknotes and ID documents, for example.
Conventional skin electronics are fixed designs that lack consideration for the individual characteristics of the wearer as well as the ability to actively adapt to various user specifications. In order to manage different sensor specifications and body impedances, design adjustments are inevitable during fabrication of these devices. To address this issue, researchers have developed a real-time fabrication platform that can adapt to arbitrary environments by freely drawing or erasing ...
An ultra-fast microscope combines atomic spatial and temporal resolution and thus enables unprecedented insights into the dynamics of electrons in molecules.
This research sheds light on the mechanism behind how a special quantum material transitions from an electrical insulator to an electricity-conducting metal.