Researchers have engineered a nanostructured material with the potential to dramatically cut the amount of heat power plants release into the atmosphere.
Scientists have found that the famous fluid dynamics relation, discovered by Walter Nernst and Albert Einstein in the beginning of the 20th century, breaks down completely under strong spatial confinement inside carbon nanotube pores.
Researchers report a 3D printed optical security label with nano-sized features. It taps on ambient light sources and is harder to crack due to its 33(100) possible combinations.
Researchers reviewed the research progress of transmission electron microscopy study on Li ion battery materials in three aspects: analytical TEM to directly identify Li ions, cryo-TEM technique to explore beam-sensitive composition and in-situ TEM method monitoring Li ion diffusion in real-time.
New results provide a platform for more efficient, selective, and sensitive DNA biosensors that can be used in detecting various pathogens and diseases.
Researchers have discovered that nanoripples in graphene can make it a strong catalyst, contrary to general expectations that the carbon sheet is as chemically inert as the bulk graphite from which it is obtained.
More efficient and longer lasting glucose-responsive insulin that eliminates the need for people with type 1 diabetes to measure their glucose levels could be a step closer thanks to new nanotechnology research.
Light-driven chemical reactions so far were usually conducted with large amounts of solvents that are often toxic. By combining them with mechanical energy in ball mills, researchers succeeded in carrying them out in the solid-state without resorting heavily to solvents.
Researchers have demonstrated self-organization of the peptides on a solid surface and visualized them at unprecedented molecular resolution - knowledge that is essential in designing hybrid biomolecular nanodevices for use in biology and technology alike.
Scientists succeeded in directly observing how LECs - which are attracting attention as one of the post-organic LEDs - change their electronic state over time during field emission by measuring their optical absorption via lamp light irradiation for the first time.