Thermally regenerative ammonia batteries can produce electricity on demand from low-grade waste heat. A new process for creating these batteries improves their stability and affordability and may help address the country's growing grid-scale energy storage problem.
Wireless charging roads equipped with energy storage systems are promising electric vehicle solutions by virtue of their strong advantages in time saving and reduced pressure on the existing power infrastructure.
Fluorine-containing gases - including so-called per- or polyfluorinated hydrocarbons, or PFCs - have a significant share in global warming. Researchers recently developed new crystalline materials that can selectively adsorb the molecules of such carbon-fluorine bonds.
Researchers have designed a fuel production system that uses water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to produce aviation fuel. They have implemented the system in the field, and the design could help the aviation industry become carbon neutral.
These near-invisible solar cells achieved an average visible transparency of 79%, meaning they can, in theory, be placed everywhere - building windows, the front panel of cars, and even human skin.
Researchers developed an experimental research focused on the design of a bio-inspired PEM fuel cell. The model they have obtained has reached a maximum power which is up to 6.0% higher than the design they took as a reference.