POLL: Does Vancouver need to have a plan for its waterfront?

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Is It Time to Move Our Cities?

The devastation in Mexico City reveals there’s wisdom in moving house to avoid repeating, and impending, catastrophes.

Energy Innovation Means Site C Already a White Elephant

From battery storage to cheap solar, tech change is set to upend traditional utilities like BC Hydro.

VIDEO: Designing the Rental Housing Renaissance

Watch our tour through Canada’s rental history and see how to build smart.

My Summer With the World in Flames

A family break on the Sunshine Coast became a smoke-covered reminder of the apocalyptic reality of climate change.

Foreign Worker Program Driving Down Wages, Breaking Alberta Law, Unions Charge

Government program helping employers recruit foreign workers despite high unemployment, says AFL.

Proportional Representation Offers BC Stable Government and Pragmatic Legislation

Toxic and ideological first-past-the-post system needs to be replaced.

Dare to Rethink Your Preconceptions of Indigenous People, Says Author

Lynn Gehl’s book challenges Western science, Justin Trudeau’s reconciliation rhetoric and Joseph Boyden controversy.

‘Tough Decision’ on Site C Whatever Review Finds, Says Minister

Commission’s preliminary review identifies risks, seeks more information from BC Hydro.

Tensions Rising in Fish Farm Occupations

DFO warns of charges; ‘See you in court,’ say Indigenous protesters.

Journalist Ross Howard: ‘He’d Want Us to Make up Our Own Minds’

Paying tribute to a true pro who urged ‘be curious about the consequences of your work.’

Freedom of Information Delays Worsened During BC Liberals’ Final Years

NDP claims improvement since election but remains vague on reforms to FOI laws.

A Call for Canadians to Fill the Gaps in Our Child Welfare System

Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada calls on citizens to be youth-in-care ‘allies’ with money and support.

Liberals Big Losers, NDP and Greens Winners in Political Finance Reform

Horgan defends party subsidies as ‘modest cost’ during transition to new system.

Fish Farm Occupation Moves From Sea to City

Fish farm opponents urged the government to followup on campaign pledge and shut down facilities on Vancouver Island First Nations territories.

As Climate Change Opens the Arctic, an Adventurer Rows the Northwest Passage

Book chronicles expedition through the changing North.

Canadians Fed Up With Anti-Tax Rhetoric, Says Reform Advocate

Fair tax coalition, doctors offer support for government’s plan to close loopholes used by high-income earners.

BC’s ‘Wild West’ Political Fundraising Ends

Union, corporate donations banned; parties to get public subsidy.

Canada Needs a True Northern University in an Era of Climate Change

A multi-campus enterprise would help us learn to flourish in the warming North.

Greens Political ‘Hostage-Taking’ Preview of Grim Future Under Proportional Representation

New Zealand’s coming election shows small parties gain too much power under complicated MMP system.

Big Oil and Gas Helped Shape BC’s Climate Plan

Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Encana, Imperial Oil, Shell Canada, Suncor, Teck and Woodfibre Energy among the fossil fuel heavyweights invited by the BC government for secret meetings to craft the province’s climate change strategy.

Remembering Twyla Roscovich, a Champion of Our Coasts

Beloved BC environmental filmmaker found dead at 38.

Come to the Water and Celebrate Vancouver’s Thriving Shoreline

Paddle a kayak, touch sea creatures, create crafts, listen to live music and much more at the fourth annual Water’s Edge Day in Vanier Park.