Jens Flottau, Graham Warwick and Guy Norris Bombardier’s heavy emphasis on system testing during C Series development and its detailed preparations for service entry have largely paid off. | Jen DiMascio, James Drew and Lara Seligman A look at the state of play on the U.S. Navy’s MQ-25 carrier-based aerial-refueling UAV, to the U.S. Air Force’s attempt to replace its Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System and its T-X advanced combat trainer program. | | Guy Norris and Graham Warwick | Aviation Week & Space Technology NASA’s low-boom flight demonstrator will be the agency’s first manned supersonic X-plane since 1990. | Karen Walker | Air Transport World It’s ironic that the US is seeing a surge in activity that smacks of protectionism under a Republican president; one who campaigned on his credentials as a businessman. | | MOST READ ON AVIATIONWEEK.COM | Aviation Week & Space Technology Featured Analysis | |