Joe Anselmo, Guy Norris, Jens Flottau and Michael Bruno
The engine OEM should be celebrating a year of record production. Instead the end of 2018 cannot come soon enough. Listen in as our editors discuss Rolls’ production delays and its long-term future.
Flying at Mach 1.4 and 50,000 ft., the X-59 is designed to produce a sonic “thump” of less than 75 PNLdB, compared with the 105-110-PLdB “double-bang” sonic boom produced by Concorde.
Engines for decades – the formula for success of MTU Aero Engines! We offer our customers and partners products and services that cover the entire lifecycle of commercial and military engines. Our use of innovative technologies and high-tech repair techniques results in efficient, sustainable products and solutions for the aviation of tomorrow.
In 1918, a two-year old Navy contractor took out a full-page ad putting three airplanes up for sale “at very reasonable prices.” That company would survive the postwar shakeout, and many more.
Operators say Bombardier’s Global 5000 has the best cabin of any business aircraft in this range class, along with unsurpassed long-range cruise speed and nearly best-in-class runway performance.
The air cargo industry has finally seen a resurgence, with demand booming to transport everything from fish to pharmaceuticals and from iPhones to fresh berries, expediently around, across and between continents.
SaaS solutions offer the capacity to drive new efficiencies into an airline’s maintenance operations. Register for this free webinar to learn best practices for commercial aviation organizations.
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