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No two neighbors are alike. They have different preferences, different tastes, different buying behaviors, and more. It’s time to say goodbye to a one-size-fits-all approach to national advertising campaigns, and hello to national programmatic campaigns that enable audience targeting household by household.

The programmatic industry has come a long way over the years in terms of location-based targeting capabilities. In the past, advertisers had no choice but to use broader, more generalized audience targeting strategies (e.g. DMA, zip codes, etc.). Today, advertisers can get exponentially more granular and personalized with their digital ad campaigns.

Enter Addressable Programmatic from Now, advertisers can effectively reach consumers household by household on a national scale and take into account the various ways one household differs from another. This translates to less wasted impressions, higher ROI, and most importantly a more personalized and useful ad experience.

Check out our Addressable Programmatic solutions purpose-built for the scale of household targeting at the national level:

Addressable Geo-Fencing:
The revolutionary new way to use digital advertising to target physical addresses of over 126 million U.S. households.

  • Reach Audiences Across Mobile, Desktop, and OTT/CTV Devices
  • Curate Addressable Audiences in Real-Time Based on Location Data and over 500 Demographic Variables
  • Unparalleled Precision and Scale
  • Target with Actual GPS Data, Not IP Addresses
  • Free Data Onboarding
  • Track Online-to-Offline Conversions with’s Geo-Conversion Lift Metrics

Addressable OTT/CTV:
A powerful and comprehensive solution to deliver advanced TV advertising at the household-level nationwide.

  • Unmatched Audience Targeting Capabilities
  • Target Inventory at the Screen Size
  • Vast, Accurate Reach and Frequency
  • Ability to Target Tens of Millions of Connected TV Homes Nationwide
  • Track Online-to-Offline Conversions with’s Geo-Conversion Lift Metrics
Interested In Learning More?