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 July 08, 2016
NATO Ambassador: How The Ukraine Crisis Fits Cyber War Narrative
Kenneth Geers previews his Black Hat talk and discusses the strategic military maneuvers governments can make within cyberspace.
Hacking A Penetration Tester
How even a pen test conducted by a security pro can be hacked by a determined attacker looking for a way to its target.
Ripping Away The Mobile Security Blanket
Upcoming Black Hat USA talk will highlight vulns in Good Technology platform and discuss the dangers of overreliance on enterprise mobility security suites.
UEFA Euro Fans At High Risk Of Online Threats, Study Shows
A study by Allot and Kaspersky Lab during 2016 UEFA Euro matches shows significant spike in cybercriminal activities.
Landmark Cybersecurity Law Passed By European Union
New rules impose obligations to strengthen cyber defense and report network threats and incidents.
Government Should Publicly ID Cyberattackers, Ex-US Intel Chief Says
Michael Rogers believes acknowledgement will help insurance companies defend against lawsuits.
6 Ways To Keep Androids Safe
Security managers have their hands full protecting Android devices, but there are common sense steps they can take to beat back attackers.

So You Want To Be A Penetration Tester
Penetration testers must have an innate curiosity of how networked systems work coupled with a solid understanding of IT operations. It also helps to be able to think like an attacker.


What Security Really Looks Like In Small- To Midsized Businesses
Data from internal and external risk assessments provides some insight into how working with SMBs can be risky if security problems aren't uncovered and addressed.
A Holistic Approach to Cybersecurity Wellness: 3 Strategies
Security professionals need to rely on more than 'vaccinations' to protect the health and safety of company systems and data.
Tech Resources

Partner Perspectives

Shifting The Economic Balance Of Cyberattacks
Our goal should be to simply make the cost of conducting a cyberattack so expensive that cybercriminals view attacking our organization as a bad return on investment.

Adaptive Security Demands A Shift In Mindset: Part 2 In A Series
By adopting new ways of thinking about security, improving the capabilities of existing systems, and integrating key innovations, enterprises will be well on their way to better security.

The Importance Of Taking A More Active Role To Protect Our Data
Big data has lots of potential to make our decisions more efficient and effective. But like any powerful substance, too much in the wrong hands can have disastrous consequences.

  • Gartner Predictions for 2016: Mobile and Wireless

    In this new phase of mobility, wireless and mobile technologies expand our real world beyond simple smart devices, creating new digital worlds. IT leaders and vendors are challenged by new privacy and security threats from new technology sources.

  • Gartner Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management

    When it comes to managing your data, the choice is clear: Microsoft is an industry leader in operational database management systems (ODBMS). Don't take our word for it; read Gartner's assessment of the ODBMS landscape and see how Microsoft stacks ...

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