| January 17, 2025 | Advertisement | Natural “Drāno” for your arteries? | It doesn’t look very appetizing… And it smells even worse.
But hidden inside this strange Japanese meal is an exotic extract that has modern-day scientists in a frenzy. Why?
Because animal studies and clinical trials show it can literally dissolve artery-blocking clots and plaques—almost like pouring Drāno into a clogged pipe.
In fact, one animal study showed that it completely dissolved dangerous artery-blocking blood clots in just 5 hours.
But you should know—it’s not widely available in the U.S.
Luckily, one of the world’s most sought-after natural medicine experts has all of the insider info on this clot-dissolving breakthrough. And he’s releasing it in this underground exposé. |
| Slash your risk of the dreaded norovirus |
Dear Reality Health Check Reader,
Winter is in full swing—and viruses are spreading everywhere.
That includes the dreaded norovirus.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the norovirus is sweeping across the country, infecting more people than in recent years.
It’s a highly contagious virus that causes stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Other symptoms can include headache, fever, and body aches.
Let’s talk about how you can protect yourself…
Prevention is key
The norovirus typically spikes between November and April. It spreads easily between infected persons—so prevention is crucial. Especially because there’s no effective treatment available, meaning you have to let it run its course.
So, if you or someone you know is sick, stay home to avoid exposure or spread.
Additionally, focus on good hygienic practices—especially when it comes to hand washing. Using good ole’ soap and water is the most effective. (Don’t rely on hand sanitizer, it will not kill the virus.)
Also, pay close attention to cleaning and disinfecting contaminated surfaces.
Moreover, norovirus can sometimes spread through food. So, be especially mindful in the kitchen.
You might want to avoid potluck meals. Don’t prepare food for others if you’re feeling sick. And when it comes to shellfish, be sure to cook thoroughly before serving, since they can sometimes accumulate the pathogen in their bodies.
Now, let’s talk about a unique finding that might help stop the spread of this dreaded stomach virus…
An interesting finding
Grant Hansman, head of CHS junior research group at the German Cancer Research Center noroviruses and the University of Heidelberg, emphasizes how important it is to “provide a safe and harmless disinfectant against human norovirus.”
With that goal in mind, the group accidentally stumbled upon a potential solution.
They discovered an old observation that fruit extracts might reduce the infectivity of the norovirus. So, they expanded on the idea—and narrowed their focus on the citric acid in lemon juice.
Turns out, it actually inhibits the norovirus’ ability to bind to surfaces! This suggests that the citric acid in lemon juice can kill most bacteria.
Best of all, it doesn’t take much. In fact, the researchers noted a few drops of lemon juice on food or surfaces may be enough to prevent the norovirus from spreading.
That’s music to my ears—especially when most people encourage the use of bleach as the most effective disinfectant.
Furthermore, in the current issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives (“Your ultimate guide to SHIELDING against winter’s WORST”), I outline 12 immune-boosting supplements to ward off colds, the flu, RSV, COVID-19, and more. Click here to access that exclusive article.
(Article continues below.)
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Deadly Sex Mistake Could be KILLING Seniors | Is Your Sex Life KILLING YOU?
A top Ivy-League-trained Doctor has uncovered a shocking sex habit that is linked to death in people over the age of 60.
Click here to make sure you're not doing THIS in bed. |
| And in the meantime…
Here’s what else we talked about this week in the Reality Health Check:
Glyphosate “kills” weeds AND your brain?- It’s no secret that glyphosate is dangerous to human health.
- Yet, apparently, the mainstream still needs some convincing.
- Will these latest findings—which highlight an association between the popular herbicide and Alzheimer’s disease—do the trick?
[CANCER BREAKTHROUGH] Natural compound being used in 700 Japanese hospitals- Tumors have at least five different ways they evade and manipulate the immune system to escape detection.
- But one remarkable, 100% natural substance from Japan can put the immune system on "high alert" so that even the most stealth invaders can't sneak past.
- It works by igniting the most tenacious immune cells in the human body... Including cancer’s arch nemesis: Natural Killer (NK) cells. In fact, research shows this mysterious Japanese compound doubles—even triples—NK cell activity in just two weeks.
Don’t let your doc overlook this vital test in 2025- Your coronary artery calcium (CAC) score is an independent predictor of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events.
- And, apparently, low-dose CT scans can detect coronary artery disease at an alarmingly high rate.
- Don’t sleep on these findings…
[New research] THIS is the secret to staying biologically young and active- What happened when researchers had a small group of seniors take a simple, natural supplement that boosted levels of this all-natural “youth fuel”? They went from being sluggish and slow to literally matching 25-year-olds stride-for-stride.
- These “seniors” watched as their fading memories, waning strength, flagging energy and saggy middles all became more like they were 25-year-olds again.
- This “youth fuel” also fortifies our cells and immune systems against aging and disease. Plus, it’s tied to long life, helps protect against Alzheimer’s, and even reduces wrinkles!
Conventional medicine MISSES the mark in weight loss- Has conventional medicine become so blinded by money…
- That they actually believe lifestyle interventions aren’t an effective way to lose weight?
- Let’s talk about it…
Until next time,
Dr. Fred
“Why norovirus is so hard to kill: Here's how to protect yourself from 'the perfect pathogen'.” NBC News, 12/31/2024. (nbcnews.com/health/health-news/norovirus-treatment-guide-effective-methods-protection-rcna185872)
“Lemon juice disinfects against human norovirus.” ScienceDaily, 08/25/2015. (sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150825103120.htm)
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You’ve never seen THIS technique for pain | Can you guess what this strange technique for pain is? It’s helped people with back pain, knee pain, and is even used by elite athletes, but most people have never heard of it, let alone tried it. Think you know what it is? Go here to find out the answer instantly. |
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