In John's July Newsletter
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Making sense of the violence in the U.S.
A crowd gathered in front of the U.S. Capitol holding signs that show support for Philando Castile and Alton Sterling.

March from the White House to the Capitol. 

(Image by Susan Melkisethian.)


Our hearts ache from the violence that has taken place this month. The shooting deaths of Alton SterlingPhilando Castilefive police officers in Dallas and three police officers in Baton Rouge fill families, friends, communities, and a country with deep sorrow.

It’s almost impossible to make sense of this violence but in these tragedies, it’s clear that fear, racism against Black Americans, the police, and guns played important roles.

However, any understanding or solution begins with education. Education can profoundly change belief systems, shift perceptions, and reduce ignorance and hate.

> Read the complete article

New Courses
A photo of two children in Gaza City - one child has stitches across his cheek.
11.488 Urban Development in Conflict Cities: Planning Challenges and Policy Innovations
A photo of a flock of birds flying over a hill covered with garbage.
EC.716 D-Lab: Waste
Updated Courses
A colorful rendering of the cytoplasm model.
6.047 Computational Biology
Protesters stand at a beach at nightfall with a neon blue sign that reads, "Water is a right."
11.401 Introduction to Housing, Community, and Economic Development
OCW Educator
A photograph of Professor Patrick Winston standing in front of his class.

"It takes me about an hour to really come down after the adrenaline rush that accompanies a teaching performance." - Prof. Patrick Winston

Open with a Promise, Close with a Joke

And in between? Be inspiring!

Such are the guidelines that Professor Patrick Henry Winston follows in giving his lectures for 6.034 Artificial Intelligence.  The course has something akin to legendary status at MIT, and as Professor Winston says in one of his Instructor Insights, he tries to live up to the billing:
When you have more than 30 or so students in a room, you no longer have a class, you have a lecture. When you have upwards of 100 students, you have theater. It's a kind of social covenant. When people see that there are a lot of people sitting there with them, there's an expectation that they're going to see a show . . . So the lecture ends up being a kind of performance.
Accordingly, he invests between 12 and 18 hours designing each lecture, and prep time can extend up to a week if he has to write software. Then, there’s the 90-minute rehearsal.

> Read the complete article
Highlights for High School
A photo of the view from the top of Verruckt, the world's tallest waterslide.
View from the top of Verrückt, the world’s tallest waterslide.

(Image courtesy of Schlitterbahn Waterparks & Resorts. Used with permission.)

Traveling 65mph on the world's tallest water slide

You’ve climbed 246 stairs, and now you’re strapped to a raft 168 feet above the ground. You are about to begin your ride on the tallest, steepest, and fastest waterslide in the world.

> Read the complete article
MITx News
A photo of a keyboard with illuminated keys.
Fall is loaded with MITx courses - Get a sneak peek!
This fall is gearing up to be one of the best ever at MITx on edX. As the summer passes, we’re hard at work on the MIT campus, preparing new offerings for our learners.  Here’s a taste of what’s coming up in late August and early September.

> Read the complete article
OCW is grateful for the support of:
SapientNitro Telmex Accenture
MathWorks Lockheed Martin Dow
Ab Initio
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