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Upcoming Free Editorial Webinar


Navigating the M&A Landscape: Achieving Clinical and Financial Objectives at


Tuesday, April 9, 2019
1:00 - 2:00 P.M. EDT



What to Expect


This 60-minute results-driven editorial webinar will deliver insights to merger and acquisition (M&A) activity with the healthcare industry and how to achieve clinical and financial goals. 

M&A activity within the industry shows no sign of diminishing, with nearly all indicators pointing to continued consolidation. The fundamental need for greater scale, geographic coverage, and increased integration remains unchanged for providers, and this will sustain M&A activity for years to come.


Evidence of the M&A trend’s resiliency is found throughout our 2019 HealthLeaders Mergers, Acquisitions, and Partnerships Survey. For example, 91% of respondents expect their organizations’ M&A activity to increase (68%) or remain the same (23%) within the next three years.
While steady healthcare M&A activity has been with us for some time, a series of new and rumored megamergers and partnerships are capturing the headlines these days. This recent M&A movement toward vertical integration involving nontraditional partners suggests that the healthcare industry is undergoing a major transformation, one that will likely alter the landscape in unanticipated ways.
Faced with such far-reaching and transformative new relationships, what are healthcare providers to do? 

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Uncover key stats and analysis from the 2019 Mergers, Acquisitions, and Partnerships Survey

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Gain insights in the new and rumored megamergers and partnerships in healthcare 

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Get prepared and informed in the current and future state of M&A movements 

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Two editorial leader speakers presenting compelling data and experience within this subject matter 

Speaker Info

Jonathan Bees
Research Analyst


Erika Randall
Content Manager (Moderator)


Supported by


Register today before its too late!

We're looking forward to connecting with you during our webinar.

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Register anyway, and we'll send you the webinar slides. 


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