Media Winners & Losers

NBC's Mike Tirico

NBC’s coverage of the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing began Thursday night without the usual pomp and circumstance surrounding the Olympics.

Broadcasting from Beijing, NBC's Mike Tirico welcomed viewers to the Olympics by noting the Games were occurring in the “nation where Covid began” before citing concerns surrounding China’s genocide against the Uyghurs. 

Everything and everyone attached to these Games is facing questions,” Tirico said. “The United States government is not here, a diplomatic boycott announced this fall joined by Canada, Great Britain, and Australia, citing China’s human rights record and the US government’s declaration that the Chinese Communist Party is guilty of committing genocide on the Uyghur Muslim population in Western Xinjiang region.”

During a pre-recorded video segment, Tirico described China’s detainment of Uyghurs and forced labor at internment camps. Tirico also noted the “escalation of crackdowns on pro-democracy sentiments and protests in Hong Kong,” as well as the disappearance of tennis star Peng Shuai

NBC has sought to temper criticism that they are propaganda tools of China's communist regime by pledging that their coverage of the Olympics would include China's geopolitical context. We applaud Tirico's efforts to fulfill that pledge

NBC's Andrew Browne

We don't realistically expect every single NBC commentator to bring up China's human rights abuses in every single sentence of their reporting on the Olympics, but parroting the communist regime's propaganda lines isn't the answer either. 

Andrew Browne, who joined NBC after spending several years as the Wall Street Journal's China editor, is undoubtedly aware of the long list of black marks on China's record (and indeed, his Twitter feed is interlaced with articles on those topics), but that just makes his commentary during Friday's opening ceremony even more inexplicable. 

“It’s worth remembering that while Western countries may be boycotting these Olympics over human rights issues, China styles itself as a champion of the developing world, and it has plenty of support in countries from Africa to Latin America where its investments are building up local economies,” said Browne.

Unsurprisingly, Browne's remarks sparked outrage on social media

We recognize the difficulty of filling air time when commenting on Olympic opening ceremonies other than superficial comments about firework displays, but this is what NBC signed up for when they sought the exclusive (and lucrative!) American broadcasting rights for the Games. The network drew similar scrutiny in 2014 for avoiding criticism of host country Russia. Do better, NBC.

The A-Block

"I've never seen anything like this!"

CNBC anchors gushed over a January jobs report that showed nearly half a million jobs created in January, and more than that including revisions, which far exceeded expectations.

On Friday morning, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its Employment Situation Summary, which has been the subject of suspense because it measured employment at the height of the omicron surge.

In fact, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tried to set expectations at a press briefing last week by saying that “the month’s jobs report may show job losses in large part because workers were out sick from Omicron at the point when it was peaking during the period when — the week where the data was taken.”

But as it turned out, those expectations were shattered, showing nearly half a million new jobs.

Rick Santelli and Steve Liesman could not have been more enthusiastic if they were waving pompoms. 

President Joe Biden took an unabashed victory lap over the blockbuster jobs report, declaring that “history has been made!”

Biden praised the "extraordinary resilience and grit of the American people, and American capitalism," declaring "[o]ur country is taking everything that COVID can throw at us and we’ve come back stronger."

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Must See Clip

"Speaking of garbage..."

Jimmy Kimmel went off on executives at Fox for having Rudy Giuliani on The Masked Singer, saying that they should be “ashamed of themselves.”

“Speaking of garbage, you know the show The Masked Singer? Ok, well, the new season doesn’t premiere until next month, but the identity of one of the singers has been revealed, and his name is: Rudy Giuliani,” Kimmel on Thursday, adding, “The guy who’s trying to destroy our country? He’s singing on a show!”

Kimmel noted the report that two of the judges, Robin Thicke and Ken Jeong, had reportedly walked off the set when Giuliani was unmasked, and he commended them for doing so. 

But Giuliani should have never been invited to participate in the lighthearted reality program in the first place, argued Kimmel, offering reasons that were both humorous and pointed. 

Watch here.

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- Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason
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- Jay Nordlinger, National Review
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- Dylan Scott, Vox
The RNC Joins the Insurrection
- Charlie Sykes, The Bulwark
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