Leaving a legacy of ecosystem restoration and climate resilience in Rwanda
| The Landscape Approach to Forest Restoration and Conservation (LAFREC) Project is concluding after six years of transforming the Gishwati-Mukura landscape. The project has, for example, created a new national park, which UNESCO declared as a Biosphere Reserve. | |
| Climate change has severe impacts on the road connectivities in Africa. NDF Program Manager, Aage Jørgensen, discusses climate adaptation in the transport sector in a recent SLOCAT Morning Commute blog. | | In its first two years of operation, the WACA Program has made significant progress in leveraging public finance via traditional development projects, engaging the private sector, and developing new financing instruments. | |
| NDF has signed the financing agreement approving EUR 10 million in additional financing to the Rwanda Urban Development Project II by the World Bank and the Government of Rwanda. The NDF financing is targeted to support the city of Kigali and its inhabitants to improve climate resilience through flood control measures and better management in urban wetlands. | |
| EEP Africa has launched a new cohort of 26 projects promoting productive use of energy and circular economy. | | A Nordic Climate Facility project introduces methods of combating the effects of climate change in the coffee farming communities of Uganda. | |
| Nordic leadership in addressing climate change and development challenges We advance Nordic leadership in addressing climate change and development challenges through financing, knowledge and partnerships. Together with our strategic partners, we develop, launch and scale high-impact projects to support developing countries and the most vulnerable people affected by climate change. | |
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