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The Actors’ Gang’s sold out engagement returns for a limited run.

Topsy Turvy
(A Musical Greek Vaudeville)

Written and Directed by Artistic Director Tim Robbins

September 26th to November 16th

Post-show conversations with Tim Robbins
September 27th and October 4th

The Actors’ Gang audience favorite Topsy Turvy (A Musical Greek Vaudeville), written and directed by Artistic Director Tim Robbins, returns for a limited engagement September 26th to November 16th. The production returns to Los Angeles after performances at the Sibiu International Theatre Festival in June, and the Malta Theater Festival in Poland and The Csokonai National Theater in Hungary in early September.

Set in a humorous and comedic hybrid world of classical Greek theater and a raucous vaudeville show, in Topsy Turvy the unity of a Greek Chorus is shattered by a mysterious illness. The Chorus desperately invoke the Gods, seeking divine intervention to help mend their divisiveness and restore their ability to sing together.

There are visits from a Vegas inspired Bacchus and Cupid, the Aztec goddess Coatlique, the biblical character Onan, and Dionysus and Aphrodite. Mixed in with the Gods are magicians, hypnotists, an acrobatic monkey and the master of ceremonies, the Great Distracto. Music plays a key role in Topsy Turvy with six original songs written by Robbins, brought to life by a small orchestra of musicians and the choral harmonies of fifteen actors.

The result, Topsy Turvy, addresses topics making the headlines everyday and is among the earliest stage works in response to the distress of the last four years. Everyone, Gods and mortals alike, gets to have their say before the evening is over.

“Robbins the dramatist has once again displayed boldness by treading where most playwrights dread to tread. The stage’s soothsayer and slayer of false witnesses—brings that same topical edge and verve to Topsy Turvy. Excelsior!” - Hollywood Progressive.

Tickets are available at and by phone at 310-838-4264. Pay-What-You-Can performances are on Thursday evenings, tickets available at the door.


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