In this issue, November 29, 2022 View it in your browser.

Neo4j 5, Google KataOS, GuardDog, Cognitive Load, Cloudflare R2, JetBrains Aqua, Spring Boot 3, C# 11 Improvements, .NET 7 GC for K8s, Angular 15, Craftleadership

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Mean time to Awesome as a Measure for Developer Experience

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Rick Spencer of InfluxDB about building developer tools, removing friction and improving mean time to awesomeness, the need for online social intelligence and ways to avoid burnout. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Neo4j 5 Graph Database Supports Automated Scaling and Deployment Interoperability

  2. Google Open-Sources Secure ML Operating System KataOS

  3. Instagram Notification Management Now Uses Causal Inference Instead of Click-through Rate

  4. AWS Researchers Propose a Method That Predicts Bias in Face Recognition Models Using Unlabeled Data

DynamoDB Data Transformation Safety: from Manual Toil to Automated and Open Source

Data transformation remains a continuous challenge in engineering and built upon manual toil. The open source utility Dynamo Data Transform was built to simplify and build safety and guardrails into data transformation for DynamoDB based systems––built upon a robust manual framework that was then automated and open sourced. This article discusses the challenges with Data Transformation. (Article)

The Next Decade of Software is about Climate - What is the Role of ML?

Sara Bergman introduces the field of green software engineering, showing options to estimate the carbon footprint and discussing ideas on how to make Machine Learning greener. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning. Attend QCon London software development conference (March 27-29, 2023) and uncover emerging software trends & practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches.



What is platform engineering?

Like DevOps, just better! Platform Engineering is the next evolutionary step in cloud native. It's the discipline of designing and building toolchains. Click here to learn more!


  1. Spotify Introduces Kitsune Vulnerability Management Platform

  2. Google Cloud Adds IAM Deny Policies

  3. Heuristic Static Analysis Tool GuardDog Used to Detect Several Malicious PyPi Packages

  4. AWS Lambda Telemetry API Provides Enhanced Observability Data

  5. CNCF Accepts Istio as an Incubating Project

The Challenge of Cognitive Load in Platform Engineering: a Discussion with Paula Kennedy

In a recent article, Paula Kennedy shared her thoughts on the ever-increasing cognitive load being saddled onto development teams. Although platform engineering is touted as a solution to this challenge, a poorly designed platform will increase the cognitive burden on developers utilizing it. We must also be careful that we are not just transferring that cognitive load onto the platform teams. (Article)

DevOps for Java Developers

Ix-Chel Ruiz discusses DevOps for Java developers. (Presentation with transcript included)



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  1. Developing Applications in Space with Azure Orbital Space SDK

  2. Azure SQL Trigger for Azure Functions in Public Preview

  3. Cloudflare Releases Cache Reserve in Open Beta

  4. AWS Announces Redis 7 Compatibility to Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

Cloudflare Introduces Super Slurper Feature for Its R2 Object Storage in Private Beta

Cloudflare recently announced the R2 Super Sluper feature, which enables developers to move all their data to R2 in one giant slurp or sip by sip through an intuitive UI and API. The feature is in private beta by signing up. (News)

JetBrains Previews Aqua, New Test Automation-Oriented IDE

JetBrains Aqua, now available in preview, is a new IDE focusing on test automation and integrating a number of distinct tools that are at the core of an automation engineer's daily routine, says JetBrains. Its features include multi-language support, an HTTP client and a Web inspector, database management, integrated Docker support, and more. (News)


  1. Spring Boot 3 and Spring Framework 6 Use Java 17 and Jakarta EE 9, Support Native Java with GraalVM

  2. Java News Roundup: Spring Framework 6, JCP Election, Project Valhalla, OpenJDK Updates

  3. Upgrade to Apache Commons Text 1.10 to Avoid New Exploit

Java Champion Josh Long on Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3

Microservices show where Java lags behind other languages. Reactive programming provides a concise DSL to express the movement of state and to write concurrent, multithreaded code with better scaling. Developing in Spring Boot works well even without special tooling support. Josh Long is excited about Project Loom, Java optimization in Project Leyden, and Foreign-Function access in Project Panama. (Article)

Using Shared Memory-Mapped Files in Java

Peter Lawrey discusses Unsafe in Java 8, Project Panama in Java 17 and Java 19, including pactical uses with code examples, demo using Panama, Event Sourcing using shared memory with Chronicle Queue. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. .NET 7 Removes Its Insecure XmlSecureResolver

  2. C# 11 Improvements for Strings, List Patterns and Object Creation

  3. .NET 7 Adds Aggressive Garbage Collection for Kubernetes

Tagged Strings in Visual Studio and .NET 7

As part of .NET 7, developers now have the ability to tag strings using the StringSyntax attribute. These tags inform tools such as Visual Studio as to the nature of the string. For example, you can mark the string as containing JSON or RegEx, and Visual Studio will apply the appropriate syntax highlighting. (News)


  1. Angular 15 - Standalone Components are Stable

Vanilla Extract - a Modern CSS in JS Library

Vanilla Extract is a new "CSS in JS" library that offers type safety, good theming support, and plenty of extensions, making it an exciting alternative to existing solutions such as Styled Components. (News)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How We Can Use Data to Improve System Quality

Extinguishing IT Team Burnout through Mindfulness and Unstructured Time

Burnout is taking a toll on IT and creating serious skill shortages. How can you keep your IT team engaged, productive, and happy? Mindfulness and unstructured time are delivering tangible business benefits that positively impact the bottom line, all while driving worker satisfaction and well-being. (Article)

Craftleadership: Craft Your Leadership as Developers Craft Code

Learning software craftership made me reconsider how I wrote code. Being an experienced software team manager, I try to reevaluate my management practices in the same way: what could test-driven management or pair-management be? Here I propose different insights on how software craftership tools and mindset are transposable to the management domain. (Article)

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