In this issue, January 22, 2019 View it in your browser.

.NET Core, ML at ThirdLove, Azure Blockchain Workbench, gVisor, Rust, C# 8, TypeScript Roadmap, Facebook Spectrum, Incremental Architecture

This March, 4th-8th, over 1200 software leaders and their teams will be gathering at the QCon London conference to discover every major software trend happening right now and learning insights from over 140 practitioner speakers. Will you and your team be joining them? Register using the code INFOQ75 and save £375 before Jan 26th!



Migrating to Microservice Databases (By O'Reilly)

Author Edson Yanaga takes you through nine different strategies for integrating data from your monolithic application to a microservice architecture. Download Now.


The InfoQ eMag: .NET Core

We explore the benefits of .NET Core and how it can benefit not only traditional .NET developers but all technologists that need to bring robust, performant and economical solutions to the market. (eMag)

Lynn Langit on 25% Time and Cloud Adoption within Genomic Research Organizations

On today’s podcast, Wes Reisz talks with Lynn Langit about a concept she calls 25% time and a project it led her to become involved within genomic research. 25% time is her own method of learning while collaborating with someone else for a greater good. (Podcast)

Reasoning about Uncertainty at Scale

Max Livingston presents a case study of using Bayesian modelling and inference to directly model behavior of aircraft arrivals and departures, focusing on the uncertainty in those predictions. (Presentation)

Machines Can Learn - a Practical Take on Machine Intelligence Using Spring Cloud Data Flow and TensorFlow

Christian Tzolov showcases how building a complex use-case, such as real-time image recognition or object detection, can be simplified with the help of the Spring Ecosystem and TensorFlow. (Presentation)

Zero to Production in Five Months @ ThirdLove

Megan Cartwright discusses how ThirdLove built their first machine learning recommendation algorithm that predicts bra size and style. She talks about the challenge of working with real-world data where there is no truth flag, and about the tradeoffs associated with key decisions they made around design, implementation and testing. (Presentation with transcript included)



When, Where & Why to Use NoSQL?

Download this white paper and learn the biggest challenges with managing big data, database requirements for dealing with big data, and how NoSQL databases address these challenges. Download Now.


  1. Baidu Announces "OpenEdge", an Open-Source Edge Computing Platform

  2. Microsoft Announces Azure Migrate and Azure Site Recovery Enhancements

Azure Blockchain Workbench 1.6.0 Update Streamlines Development Experience

In a recent blog post, Microsoft announced an update to their Azure Blockchain Workbench service which improves the development experience of building consortium-based blockchain applications. More specifically, this update includes new features such as application versioning, updated messaging capabilities and streamlined smart contract development. (News)



Slow is the new down.

Are you overlooking the customer experience your web service provides? Well, slow applications might turn your customers to your competitors. Provide a top notch customer experience by optimizing your application performance with Site24x7 APM Insight. Get started by monitoring 3 applications for $35 per month.

Going Pro: Lifestyle Systems for the Exceptional Developer

Cory House explores seven facets of life that impact software quality. (Presentation)

Algorithms behind Modern Storage Systems

Alex Petrov talks about modern storage system approaches, discussing storage internals, and evaluation techniques to choose a database with the optimal read, write or memory overhead, best suitable for a certain data. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 4-6, 2019. Join us!

gVisor: Building and Battle Testing a Userspace OS in Go

Adin Scannell talks about gVisor - a container runtime that implements the Linux kernel API in userspace using Go. He talks about the architectural challenges associated with userspace kernels, the positive and negative experiences with Go as an implementation language, and finally, how to ensure API coverage and compatibility. (Presentation with transcript included)

Is It Time to Rewrite the Operating System in Rust?

Bryan Cantrill explores Rust, explains why it has captured the imagination of so many systems software engineers, and outlines where it might best fit in the deep stack of operating system software. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. SQL Server and .NET Core 3.0

  2. System.Data in .NET Core 3.0

  3. C# 8: Generic Attributes

  4. C# 8: Caller Expression Attribute for Assertions and Automated Testing

C# 8: Type Inference for the New Keyword

In many situations, there is only one possible type allowed in a given place. And yet C# still requires you to explicitly list the type. If the Target-typed `new` expression proposal is adopted, such boilerplate code will no longer be necessary. (News)

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Prettier 1.15 Code Formatter Adds Angular and Vue.js Support

TypeScript Roadmap: Enhanced Type System, More Productivity, and Improved Linting

Microsoft has detailed the priorities that will drive TypeScript development during the first six months of 2019. Albeit not yet committed, the current roadmap includes enhanced core type system, maximizing forward compatibility with new ECMA features, improving tools, including editor support and linting, and more. (News)


  1. Facebook Spectrum Improves Reliability of Image Upload on iOS and Android

Ockam Brings Blockchain Serverless Identification to IoT Devices

Ockam is a serverless platform that aims to make it easier for IoT developers to add blockchain-based identity, trust, and interoperability in their IoT devices. Ockam has recently open sourced its SDK for Golang. InfoQ has spoken with Ockam CEO and founder Matthew Gregory to learn more. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. An Incremental Architecture Approach to Building Systems

Why Do We Need Architectural Diagrams?

Software architecture diagrams, when created well, and sparingly, can greatly improve communication within the development team and with external stakeholders. They require an understanding of the intended audience, and thoughtful restraint on what to include. Resist the temptation to think that diagrams are unnecessary or unhelpful, simply because there have been plenty of cases of bad diagrams. (Article)

Increasing the Quality of Patient Care through Stream Processing

Today’s healthcare technology landscape is disaggregated and siloed. Physicians analyse patient data streams from different systems without much correlation. Even though health-tech domain is mature and rich with data, the value of it is not directed towards increasing the quality of patient care. This article presents a stream processing solution in which streams are co-related. (Article)

Journey to Cloud Architecture

Dylan Smith discusses the architectural challenges faced turning TFS into Azure DevOps, the evolution of the architecture, and lessons learned along the way. (Presentation)

Evolve Legacy Java EE Apps to Spring Boot Apps in One Minute

Valdir Scarin discusses the migration from a Java EE system to Spring at CCEE, Brazil: preparing the migration, evaluation of PoCs, various solutions found and the one executed, integration tests used. (Presentation)



Reference Methodology for Agility, Version-0.5

As APIs, microservices, and serverless architectures evolve, integration is not fading away; most new applications involve integration across an exploding set of endpoints. This white paper outlines a meta-process for organizations to refer and become integration agile. Download Now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Examining the Value of Agile Certifications

  2. Inner-Sourcing as Catalyst for DevOps Transformation at Verizon

  3. Lean and Agile Transformation at Banco BPI

  4. Engineering a Generation Z Culture

  5. Boosting Team Inclusion at the Workplace Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Q&A on the Book Future Ethics

In the book Future Ethics, Cennydd Bowles explores the role ethics play in the tech industry and in the work of product managers, designers, and engineers. The book provides guidance on how to think and act ethically when designing products. (Article)

Hiring and Retaining Developers - Creating Great Teams

Hiring developers is one of the biggest challenges the tech industry is facing. This post shows the latest hiring trends and provides some actionable tips to overcome these challenges by covering the most effective hiring methods and how to effectively retain developers. The post also shows how top performing teams motivate developers. (Article)

Real-World Transformation Experiences at StubHub

George Loyer tells the story how StubHub moved to PCF, bringing value to Ops, Engineering, Architecture, Product Management, Business Owners and Execs. (Presentation)